View Full Version : mouth full of ulcers after tooth extraction :(

sarah jayne
05-02-11, 19:18
i had a tooth out on tuesday and have been in agony since. Im on antibiotics but they havent helped the pain at all, my jaw is sore and swollen it feels like ALL my teeth are sore and now to top it off my mouth is full of ulcers. Is this normal ? Ive had teeth out b4 but never had ulcers after or this pain :( :weep:

05-02-11, 21:19
if it was a bottom tooth you might have dry socket, the dentist would help by maybe putting gauze inti the hole.
What mouth wash are you using?? try the cordysl one that you get in the pharmacy, it will clear up any infection .

05-02-11, 21:39
Hi, I agree, I posted on here 2 weeks ago saying that I had a mouth infection, full of ulcers and jaw was swollen. I had antibiotics and used corsodyl and it really helped. Hope it feels better soon,

sarah jayne
05-02-11, 22:34
yes it was a bottom tooth, i went back to the dentist yesterday and he said it might be infected but ive been on antibiotics for 4 days now so i dont understand how it can have happened :( ive been swilling my tooth out with salt water and been using corsidil but its just getting worse my whole mouth is burning and even my teeth feel sore, i cant chew on anything, im bloody starving lol. And my jaw is really sore aswell, it was a difficult extraction it took 50 mins to get it out could this be why ?
Thanks, Sarah x

06-02-11, 10:55
Ahh you poor thing, this sounds horrible. I've had a lot of problems with my mouth so can totally sympathise (3 mouth infections, an infected wisdom tooth, recurrent ulcers, cold sores inside my mouth and a virus which affected my gums). I would keep going with the corsodyl, it's really good stuff. Did the dentist not suggest you try a different antibiotic? What was the dentist's advice? Did they say how long this would take to clear up?

I hope you feel better soon.

Moonlight Xxx