View Full Version : Scary thoughts

05-02-11, 19:34
Anyone get scary thoughts about the universe? I was driving my daughter to school recently, looking out the window and out of nowhere came the thought...the universe goes on and on forever and the world is just hanging out there in the middle of nothing. The thought freightened me and of course I got the rush of adrenalin. Now it seems to be stuck and the thought scares me. I know this probably sounds weird. I'm just hoping someone can relate...:blush:


05-02-11, 19:39
Hi hun, you'd be amazed at some of the stuff i have sleepless nights worrying about.

I'm petrified about 2012, metiors hitting the earth etc..

Your not alone ;)

05-02-11, 19:44
Anxiety triggers all sorts of fears that in our more logical moments we know are of no consequence - but they are all so real and looming large at the time, aren't they? It's amazing what the mind and nerves can do when they are in disarray.

05-02-11, 23:35
i get these sort of thoughts all the time hun, ur not alone. a tired mind and over sensitised nerves do this to us. xx

06-02-11, 00:52

Totally understand how you feel, and sending you big hugs. I was like that and it is so scary, it is usual with anxiety so hold on and you will get thru this. xxx

06-02-11, 01:32
It is called depersonalisation/derealisation

06-02-11, 02:32
Jackie i agree with nicola that its depersonalisation -its one of the sideeffecs of prolonged anxiety and panic. Just ignore it and it will go away...