View Full Version : Your experiances needed,panic and agraphobic

30-03-06, 21:09
Hi Everyone
just managed to find this site tonight.
WOW what a great bunch you all are..people like me.!!!
im 44 suffered for about 10 years, panic attacks and agraphobia
learned to change my life.to try and make it easier.
can feel really uncomfy at times
cannot be trapped in place like hairdressers,school functions.meals weddings etc.
make excuses why i cannot go.etc
didnt drive for 2 years they were that bad and sick feeling but do now.
i dont drink or smoke
i have raised 7 children not all mine!!
will not make appointments or commitments incase i let myself or others down.ive done a runner from a supermarket at check out leaving trolly full,try explaining that to 7 hungry children.!!!!people glaring.
i always need to know loo near by.

i live out in the countryside,a nice place to be stranded!!
im happy now to take ALL the advise anyone can give and their experiances.

i intend to learn all about this site nomorepanic and the people on here,
im happy to chat to anyne that wants too.
all take care
and i will watch this space.

30-03-06, 21:21
Hi Lancashirelass

Welcome to the forum.

Yep im a fellow sufferer of agoraphobia & panic attack as are others on here, so you are certainly not alone.

You will find lots of help & support on here & some very good advice.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

30-03-06, 21:24
Hi there and a warm welcome to you.

I'm sure you'll be hearing from many people who have suffered just like you. The instances you describe I have read about many times on here, although I don't have agoraphobia and associated panic.

What advice have you had from your GP - has he referred you on to anyone or have you been recommended CBT? If not, I would try and get some help in that area.

There is a way you can beat this, and it is done in baby steps and usually needs a helping hand.

Others will be along shortly....

Be Strong,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

30-03-06, 22:52
Hi Lancashirelass

Welcome to the forum.

You might find the following information helpful:

First Steps (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=firststeps)

Symptoms (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/default.asp?t=cms&c=symptoms)

Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)

Starting on recovery/Agoraphobia
Agorophobia (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6184)
im back now! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6310)
Agoraphobic - how did that happen? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=6745)

You will find a lot of help and support here.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

30-03-06, 23:53
Hi Hun

So pleased you have joined the site, you will get lots of support and help on here and knowing you are not alone is the best step forward.

Here if you ever want to talk.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

31-03-06, 09:18

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

31-03-06, 09:32
Hi Hun

Have sent you a pm about the chat room.

Keep in touch.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

Ma Larkin
31-03-06, 09:42
Hi lancashirelass, welcome to NMP. I know the feeling of leaving the supermarket trolley & going home with nowt!! Kids don't appreciate it do they but we get by somehow. You'll get lots of reassurance on this site & speak to loads of people in a similar situation to yourself, so don't despair.

Take care.

Les, xx

31-03-06, 21:28
hi lancashirelass, your certainly not alone with the shopping trolley sarga, ive left a full one many a time. i even go in shops, fill basket..see the que then go around putting everything back and leave. my kids must think im mad..but they are all familiar with it now lol they even que for me (im sure they think its only way they'll get fed!).
i also avoid school plays, parent evenings etc..tho i am learning to make myself attend the occasional one.
like people have said and like ive found..you get lots of reassurance on here, so many can sympathise and have been there and are still going thru it.
im always about for a chat. take care x

01-04-06, 00:27
Hi Lancashirelass, i soooo know where your coming from! The amount of times ive left a full trolly in Asda and legged it out!
Then gone home feeling so angry with myself!
Also i didnt drive for a long time and still cannot drive alone.
I attended my sons nativity play this year... I couldnt ever attend my daughters as i was at my peak of the illness... Seeing my sons face when he saw me made the horrendous feelings subside... Its a battle but it wont win

01-04-06, 08:22
thanks for all your comments,as new just testing can post this..welshcatherine do you want to make contact please.

01-04-06, 08:39
Hi lancashirelass and welcome to the site. You will get lots of help and support here and make some great friends who know exactly how you feel. I used to be just like you, stopped going out because of the panic attacks and was agorophobic for about 12 months because I was scared of having the panics while out shopping etc. I gradually started to go out again but only if someone was with me and each time got easier. I haven't had a full blown attack for ages but still feel anxious sometimes if in supermarket queue's especially if it is hot in the shop and I am not too good in places like cinemas and places where I have to sit still for a while.

This site is amazing and has helped me so much and I am sure it will help you too, just talking to people who understand what its like can make a huge difference.

Take care
Love Lisax

01-04-06, 11:07
Hi lancashirelass, ive pm you, speak soon

01-04-06, 20:36

I cant believe how brilliant you are that you have raised 7 children!! That is an achievement believe me!!!I think when we first get PA's everyone gets agoraphobic...its only natural, cos you want to be in a safe place. But i found that I started getting them at home which means that if you can get them anywhere, you may as well go everywhere cos it doesnt make a difference. What helps me is...ok this is a bit wierd....sucking on extra strong mints...cos they give you a good feeling, listening to summer type music eg: Bob marley, thinking of things I enjoy like swimming or snorkelling.

you live in the countryside which is hopefully full of beautiful scenery, maybe a walk in the country...would be relaxing....

Sounds like you are really sorting things out eg ...driving again...hopefully with good music playing!!!

Good luck...hope I have helped a little bit


02-04-06, 23:17
hi there Maripose,
thanks for replying.
its not weird sucking mints.
i had to carry a tube of wine gums(not that i like wine!) too many give me stomack ache. to stop soft panic attacks it helps control.but a hard full blown p attack goes beyond wine gums!!as you will know.

my latest has been asdas midget gems(no im not pregnant!!).

i wasnt aware so many other people suffered from panic attacks with the same symptons..
i am very aware of my problems...i had councelling years ago.with a fantastic lady but she went back to ireland..and my next one dropped dead...so i did self help.....i really have improved and try to think positive but i worry about everything...WHAT IF...

my kids tell me to chill out....they dont seem to see the dangers of life being teenagers...if it wasnt for them i would stay at home.

has anyone been involved on this site nomorepanic with the telephone help group that is one hout a week or so.lasts 14 weeks? or the written one...can anyone tell me if it helped or not??
i might be interested in this.
please send your comments to me.

welshcatherine..will get to chat soon.promise..love your pics and cookoo clock story. not just worked out this messanger thing..is it msn ??or on this site???

take care all

we will get there in the end ALL of us!!!


02-04-06, 23:59
will not make appointments or commitments incase i let myself or others down
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"></td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Oh I so know that feeling ......

Cath x

03-04-06, 09:34
Hey LL

We all know how you fell.
Im new here too and think this place is great.
I have never felt so alone unmtil now!

big Hugs

Hay x

03-04-06, 14:18
Hey Lancashireleass,

How you doin? You are like a mirror image of myself. I know that feeling of panic and anxiety when you go somewhere out of your 'comfort zone'. Unfortunatley, I have a very social husband. He is the life and soul, God love him, of every party he goes to. Most of these are corporate functions and he likes me to attend whenever I possibly can. You can probably imagine the agony I go through before any events I attend. I worry about my outfit, my hair, but most of all WILL THERE BE TOILETS THERE !!!!

I'll tell you funny story. Last year, can you believe it I actually managed to go all the way to America on holiday. I've never been before, mailnly because I absolutely HATE, HATE, HATE flying. Anyway, my husband and I went to Las Vegas and New York. We flew to New York first for our connection to our flight to Las Vegas. That first flight to New York was an absolute nightmare ! I was sat by the window, with my husband in the middle and a woman on the end of the row. And all I could think of for the whole of the 7 HOUR FLIGHT [}:)] was "if I need the toilet she is going to have to move all the time to let me out" - this set off a huge panic attack. I got up, went to the toilet, and cried myself stupid. My husband had to come and get me back to my seat, within seconds of sitting back down, I had to go again. That poor woman, honestly, she was so nice but I just kept thinking how inconsiderate I was being. The stewardess saw me in quite a distressed state, asking me if I needed oxygen and even accused me of trying to blag a seat in first class.

Anyway, a couple of Valium later, I managed to settle down. Praying for the pilot to land the stupid plane. When I left the plane, the stewardess who attended to me, gave me some Continental Airline wings, for being so brave !!!!

Unfortunately, for me, I had another 6 hour flight after this one to get to Las Vegas !!!! I tell you, if there was ever a testing time for my nerves it was this !!

I couldn't even go and see the Grand Canyon because they only did Helicopter flights and, as you and I both know, helicopters don't have toilets on them - SO I COULDN'T GO !!! Trying to explain this to my husband was quite a challenge.

I can see the funny side now but at the time, I felt so horrid and desparately guilty because my husband really wanted to see the Grand Canyon !!!

I'm trying so hard to not turn down events as this is just pure avoidance but wherever I go, I always check out if there are toilets nearby or on the premises because the feeling of needing the toilet and not being able to get to one is the nemesis that sets off my panic attacks. It's a vicious cycle, need a toilet, can't find one, panic. So, now, before I leave the house I visit the toilet about 100 times. I'm thinking of getting a turnstile on the toilet doorway I'm in there that much.

Still, I always think, we are all human with all the same bodily functions, it's just that mine are more sensitive than others .... AND IN MY BOOK THAT MAKES ME SPECIAL !!

So, chin up duck, always try to find the funny side of life, and when you've got to go, you've got to go !!!

Keep smiling honey.
Jackie xx

If the opportunity doesn't knock .... build a door.

06-04-06, 20:20
Hi Everyone joining
I just want to say ive meet some really nice people on this site in a short time.
Infact i had the best laugh ever with one person (a new member) that is clearly on my wave length.and we are both panic attack sufferers
its taking me quite a bit to find my way around but i have time so thats ok.im not to good with computers.but im learning
i also suffer anxiety and can sometimes stress at the smallest of things, and my family dont understand why...except say have you chanaged your HRT patch recently ! which really goes down well with me as you can imagine!!!!!!
anyone wanting to send a message is more than welcome im here to listen.
take care
the lass

21-04-06, 20:28
hi again
i just want to say to any newcomers ive emailed some fantastic people through this site and ive only been here 3 week.
i feel ive made a couple of friends i really click with.and we now support each other.
thanks nomorepanic for this oppotunity .
its given me lots of hope..
about the panic attacks and anxiety i have with other sufferers
i now know others have the same thoughts and feelings in this situation and i thought for 10 years i was on my own with this fear..
so everyone dont suffer in silence.your welcome to write to me..
wether your happy or sad.
take care everyone.
lassie......woof woof (well i thought i was alright!)[:o)]

23-04-06, 16:12
I am so pleased to hear that it is helping you and you have made some great friends on here.

Long may it continue for you.
