View Full Version : Struggling AGAIN

05-02-11, 20:04
Hi Every1.

Just wanted to see if this was the same for others, I had a really good January, felt really positive and finally like I was getting somewhere and now for the last week have gone downhill again and can't see it ever being any better than this. I want my old life back :weep:

anx mum
05-02-11, 20:36
Hi Every1.

Just wanted to see if this was the same for others, I had a really good January, felt really positive and finally like I was getting somewhere and now for the last week have gone downhill again and can't see it ever being any better than this. I want my old life back :weep:

No the feeling hun one min your living your life the next bk to this again. Do u suffer from anxiety and panic attacks?

05-02-11, 21:00
Yeah I have had panic attacks for about a yr and a half, have been suffering from anxiety the whole time. Have managed to stay at work throughout and not taking any medication and not many people know about my issues as I am wary of people judging me, but I am just so tired of it all now. Have tried counselling which helped but because there's no apparent cause, feels like I'm stuck with it.

How about you?

anx mum
05-02-11, 21:03
Yeah I have had panic attacks for about a yr and a half, have been suffering from anxiety the whole time. Have managed to stay at work throughout and not taking any medication and not many people know about my issues as I am wary of people judging me, but I am just so tired of it all now. Have tried counselling which helped but because there's no apparent cause, feels like I'm stuck with it.

How about you?

Panic and anxiety on and off for years. Come bk bout a month ago not coping at all. On meds and seeing councillor.

05-02-11, 22:02
I'm really sorry to hear that, ur not alone though and we will get through it again.:)

11-02-11, 05:19
Hi Inew, I've been okay for the last few months but now in the last week some of the panic attacks have been returning. Just trying to hold on to how things got better before and I can get back to that point. Do you want to talk a bit about how you think things have gone downhill, that might help?

11-02-11, 05:41
These things like to go away and return, in my exp, learning what triggers it helps of there are any triggers...it will come and go but arm yourself with knowledge and fight it when you can.

11-02-11, 13:30
Isn't that strange.. I felt so well through January that I thought I was actually seeing the back of the anxiety and getting better. Then for the last 10 days it's gone off the scale again. Weird.