View Full Version : Chest Pain Running...Really scared

05-02-11, 21:50
Hey guys.

After I saw the news last week about those two young boys , I had stopped exercising even though I had recently started.

Anyways I woke up today a littler jittery so I decided to do some exercie to burn off the adrenaline. I was on the Wii Fit and did some yoga stretches, some aerobics, and lastly some jogging.

It was a short jog about 5 minutes. When I was about to finsih the jog, I say about the last 30 seconds I started getting this chest pain right in the middle of my chest. It wasn't a squeezing pain, or tight, it was more of a nervous/butterfly/burning feeling. I also kept on burping a lot during the run and I don't know if it was because of my reflux or if I was overbreathing.

What terrified me was when I finished the run the pain disappeared right away. I was also breathless and my heart was racing pretty fast. My legs also feel a bit shaky. I'm really really scared that I have angina or some heart condition. I'm 21 years old and I feel like I'm 90. Has anyone ever had this happen to them. I'm really really terrified. Please can someone reassure me.


05-02-11, 21:58
It really sounds like you have acid reflux. I'm not a doctor, and I'm in the UK so not sure what story you are talking about, but it sounds like you may have eaten not long before you exercised? If you were burping it is classic reflux.
You sound as if you pushed yourself, even though you say you didn't do too much. Maybe the other symptoms of rapid heartbeat, shaky legs are a mixture of effects of exercise and anxiety about the pain in your chest.
If the pain comes back or you are still concerned it would give you peace of mind by seeing a doctor if you can.
Anyway, hope that you feel a little calmer and look after yourself,

05-02-11, 22:17
Thanks for the reply. I'm not at all worried about the rapid pulse since I know I was running. My legs felt weak on running so I figured that's the reason for that. The thing that's also freaking me out is that I had started joggin about 5 minutes a day a few weeks ago but stopped last week after the news about the boys.

But the pain in my chest was really scary. It felt like adrenaline being released into my chest. For example, when I panic I get this adrenaline rush that I feel in my chest, only that lasts a few seconds.

This feeling was actually the same but it lasted for like 30 seconds. I ignored it and finished the run but I'm really scared I have a heart problem right now. :weep::weep::weep:

05-02-11, 22:55
Mark, As you are worried I would make an appointment to see your Dr. I am a nurse as well as having anxiety. You don't sound like you have anything to worry about but if you haven't exercised for a while then it's always best to get these things checked out.
I have a heart problem as well, so I know what it's like to worry that one day u'll just keel over.....but this is very rare so try not to worry too much and just to give you peace of mind make an appointment to see your Dr, good luck

06-02-11, 04:11
Thanks for replying again. The truth is that I'm really terrified of going back ti the docs. My gp has constantly reassured me that it's all anxiety but I don't know what to believe.

If I see her all she'll convince me to do is for her to put me on a long term med like Lexapro cuz she's been trying to get me to do that for months.

I'm just deep down terrified that I'll get a heart diagnosis and it'll jsut freak me out.:weep:

06-02-11, 04:23
I'm a nursing student and I've read somewhere that the chances of a person w/o a heart condition having a heart attack while exercisng are pretty astronomical.

06-02-11, 04:59
It could have been heart burn plus anxiety plus muscle tension .

06-02-11, 08:05
I hav been doinv so e crying for the past week and especially today and now my chest is very tight and hurts. I know its most likely stress and anxiety. Also i have no eaten much....

06-02-11, 08:06
I'm a nursing student and I've read somewhere that the chances of a person w/o a heart condition having a heart attack while exercisng are pretty astronomical.

Do you mean the chances are high or low?