View Full Version : Unexplained Bruising! Please Help.

05-02-11, 22:24
Hello, Over the past week i have had a few unexplained bruises and only one of them i new it was because i bumped into a table and i thought maybe i did the others ice skating but i dont think i fell over. i'm just proper freaking out as i know it can be the sign of a serious illness. i am on the verge of tears i am i so scared. any ideas? would i have other symptoms if its serious? anyone know much about bruising?

Please reply ASAP
Love Louise X

05-02-11, 22:48
I am always covered in bruises. Some of us bruise easily that is all.

06-02-11, 08:51
Me too, especially on my legs and I can never remember banging/knocking myself!

K x

06-02-11, 10:49
Do you take medication? Some anti-depressants can cause increased bruising. I find when I'm on higher doses of Sertraline I notice more bruises on my legs than usual.

Moonlight Xxx

06-02-11, 10:57
I'm on seroxat and I find I bruise really easily now. The pharmacist said it was common problem with some ADs

06-02-11, 14:11
I got a bruise on my knee the other day and I have no idea were it came from x