View Full Version : Lots of different symptoms

06-02-11, 00:22
Ok well this is my first post here so I'd like to say hi to everyone. :)
Basically about 4-5 months ago I took MDMA and as a result I had a major panic attack and went to A&E. Had bloods done everything was normal. Taking the MDMA gave me anxiety for a few months, having panic attacks most days and the panic attacks made the anxiety worse. Since then I have been to A&E many times thinking I was having a heart attack. My doctor gave me Venelafaxine anti-depressents as I was in a depressed stage due to the pains I was getting, they're also supposed to make my anxiety and depression better. I never took the tablets as I wanted to tackle the anxiety and depression on my own. I have been feeling a lot better by getting out and about. I no longer feel depressed and I'm no longer having panic attacks. I still feel I have anxiety but the only thing causing the anxiety is the random stabbing pains in the top of my head and an eletronical buzzing in my ears, which is worsend by chewing for some weird reason. Also I have had a lot of vision problems, however I'm not sure really how to explain them, the best way I can put is that when I look at something bright, like a bright light I get a kind of burn-in effect and when I look away the imprint of the light is there for a long time, I know it's normal to have it for a while but it can be there for 5-10 minuites. I've been to my doctor and he tells me it's due to the depression and anxiety. I'm finding it hard to accept this as I know personally I am feeling a lot better. I'm really concerned that this is due to a nerve problem such as MS or something wrong with my brain. Does anyone else here suffer from any of the above symptoms? And do you think alothough my anxiety is under control, these things could still happen?

P.S forgot to note, these problems haven't been there when I was having the panic attacks and really bad anxiety, which is why I am not so sure if I have a fair oppinion from my doctor.

06-02-11, 19:57
Also to add to this now I've had a headache for the last 24 hours, taken paracetamol and it still wont go. Scared to ring up any kind of doctor as I know what their answer will be. Please reply someone, really don't know what to do at this point

06-02-11, 20:42

Just out of interest do you still take MDMA? Only asking because I used to take drugs before my anxiety started and now I don't touch anything.

Your symptoms sound like 'just' anxiety and they will probably linger for a while. I still get lots of symptoms day to day after me starting to feel constantly anxious 2 years ago and try to not get anxious about having a panic attack (easier said then done).

Good to hear you are getting out and about and are feeling better. It really is such a frustrating problem :bighug1:

06-02-11, 20:56
Dear r-divall I'm sorry that you are experiencing these problems. Do you think that taking the MDMA exacerbated an exisiting problem with panic and anxiety? I agree with the previous poster that if you are still taking these drugs even if it is occasional use this will not help your symptoms. Although you say that you have the anxiety and depression under control you might still need some help with this? Anxiety can cause the visual disturbances you describe but so can non prescription drugs. MS is rare but if this is something that concerns you then go back to your GP. If your headache is severe go to bed lie flat with a cold compress on your head. I would nlot take any more paracetamol if they are having no effect. If your symptoms worsen then I suggest you contact NHS direct. I hope you feel better soon. EJ.

06-02-11, 22:45
Thank you for your replys. Since taking the MDMA I have not touched any other street drugs at all, it made me realise how precious life is and how easily it can be taken away.
I used to be a fairly anxious person but I never had panic attacks, the MDMA probably worsened the anxiety like you say. What is concerning me is that the panic attacks and weird feelings such as depersonalization I had for a few months have now stopped. And trying to convince my GP of this is a nightmare. I never got these pains or the buzzing sound in my ears even when having constant panic attacks so in my mind is has to be something else. It's a horrible circle really as the only thing that would actually make my anxiety better is knowing there is nothing wrong with my brain as these weird symptoms are the only thing now making me feel anxious

07-02-11, 06:55
Ok so an update. I was told by NSH direct to go to A&E. Had bloods done, all normal. They are writing to my GP to insist on him taking further action such as a MRI scan. Knowing this has put my mind at ease a lot. Was also given so co-dydramol. Until I get a chance to see my GP I'm going to take my mind off of it and see if it helps, as being honest I am spending a lot of time thinking about this and if there is anything seriously wrong, I don't want to waste the time I do have to live worrying cronicly over something that may or may not happen. It's weird how not getting the answer I wanted which was an instant MRI has put my mind at rest. Guess my brain works in weird ways. Lol.