View Full Version : Hiatus hernia and excess burping

cheesy pete
06-02-11, 01:02

Haven't been on for months as i have been doing really but feel like i have gone backwards this week :weep:. Diagnosed with small hiatus hernia before Christmas but was glad to know the problems that had been bothering me for a number of months. Everything has been good until this week. Work more stressful and started to experience uncomfortable stomach/chest, occasionally want to burp a lot which can get uncomfortable.

Am i worrying unduly and this is just my hernia playing up?

06-02-11, 02:30
hi pete
im not having a good time at mo with stomache problems either so im prob not a good person to reply, but just wanna say after reading what you have said it seems very likey to be your hernia causing the problems, i do know stress can aggrivate this condition and make your tummy produce more acid, which is what you are experincing, i do hope it improves for you soon xxlinda xx

06-02-11, 12:45
I too have a hiatus hernia and I go through spells where for no reason I can see I burp constantly for quite a few days on end, often with acid symptoms and it is def the hiatus hernia playing up. Actually thinking about it it tends to happen if I do anything where I am bending over like pulling up weeds in the garden because bending over irritates a hiatus hernia.

I got in a panic a few years ago after reading that excessive burping can be early sign of stomach cancer:wacko: but I can reassure you by saying that 5 yrs and two gastroscopies later I do not have stomach cancer and my Dr said that I would have burped so badly I could not go out and it would have lasted for weeks and weeks if it was a sign of anything sinister. Just shows they never print the full story.

06-02-11, 14:22

I too have a hiatus hernia and i also have GERD. I have good days and bad days with it - sometimes nothing at all and sometimes I get crippling pain in the chest, back and stomach area and could burp for England!!.
I've had all the tests and so I try not to get anxious about what it is - or is'nt!! easier said than done sometimes!!