View Full Version : Any advice plz??

06-02-11, 01:50
Hi all
my first 'anxious' post and im just looking for some advice/reasurrance but please no horror stories i make them up enough in my head :blush:
Im having a really hard time coming off tablets at the mo, its to complicated to explain, but im having really bad experience every time i eat food, its so putting me off wanting to eat!
Im getting a feeling like my whole body is 'pulsing' after i have eaten so its like palpatations just all over, this lasts for a good few hours after eating, my stomache was also tying in knots after eating but i seem to be controling that by taking medication for irratable bowel before food.
My biggest problem is a few months ago a 'GOOGLED' the symptm's and the first thing i read <and only thing>!!! was eating can raise your blood pressure, i suffer with high blood pressure so it scared me and i never read anymore.......i so wished i had'nt saw what i did :unsure:
I sitting here writting this and im so scared someone is gonna come back with a reply of thats what it is and i need to see the doc....im not to good with going the doctors about the blood preasure thing, its always been a BIG fear of mine.
Please if any one has any positive thoughts on this problem id really appriciate it.......thanks xxxlinda xxx

06-02-11, 01:54
I am a bit confused by your post and to what you are asking?

06-02-11, 02:23
hi nicola
to be honest i dont know what im trying to ask either, i think i just want to know if any one else suffers like this?
just want to add i also suffer with bad stomache acid too, and all this is just driving me up the wall with everything i've been going through for the past few months xxlinda xx

06-02-11, 02:36
I get anxious after meals too because I know it raises blood pressure. But try not to worry, it's normal for blood pressure to rise after eating, that's how our bodies work :)

06-02-11, 03:58
thanks for your reply jmoid :) i wish our bodies wernt so complicated sometimes, and i wish our minds wernt so clever and there was a switch to turn them off when they get annoying and start telling us things we really shouldn't be worrying about :winks: hope your well? xxlinda xx

06-02-11, 14:55
Ahh ok so are you worried that your blood pressure goes high after eating?

If so then that is completely normal