View Full Version : New to all this

06-02-11, 07:11
Hi all, my name is Carol. 5 months ago, my ex partner of 14 years walked out on me and our son who is 7 without warning, for another woman. Since that day I went in to meltdown. I was an anxious wreck and was prescribed valium to help calm me down. 15 days ago I was prescribed citralopram as I was very low in my mood. I started on 10mg for 12 days then increased, doctors instructions, to 20mg. I still feel very anxious and constantly worry about the future etc. I dont know if these tablets are doing much good, I know its early days but I would love some reasurrance that things will get better. Thanks for reading this x

06-02-11, 07:16
sorry to here aout what your partner has done but it will get better,,,,
your on the right tablets they are good but i guess they work different for each person when i first started takng them they made me feel a bit worse (anxious, trembling etc...) before they started making me feel beter they took a few weeks to get into my system but once they were fully in i was starting to feel a whole lot better in myself and you will to...
Hang in there you have your child & forget about your ex i guess he just not worth the worry x x :hugs:

06-02-11, 07:26
Thank you for your kind reply, I keep telling myself that it will improve as they get in my system. I just woke this morning thinking, oh god, I still feel the same !!! I was never an anxious person, I was very confident before this happened and the shock just got to me. I have been on auto pilot for 5 months. School run, work etc, now I just want to get in control of this anxiety and hopefully it will settle down soon. I feel like a failure for having to resort to medication, but I really had no choice. Thanks again

06-02-11, 08:00
Hi carolea, it will definately get better - you will see. Eerybody takws their own time to ajust to medications to accept many discomforting symptoms. I am sorry about what your partner done to you, but you can definately beat it - and walk straight, just give it a bit of time, as long as it takes....

06-02-11, 09:01
I am so anxious in the mornings when I wake up and I keep thinking, will the meds kick in today :weep: I know its early days and I have to be patient. My ex leaving is now not the problem, its the anxiety disorder Iv developed from that which is the main problem now. I feel stupid for having to resort to meds for a break up !!!!!!!!

06-02-11, 09:59
Thank you for your kind reply, I keep telling myself that it will improve as they get in my system. I just woke this morning thinking, oh god, I still feel the same !!! I was never an anxious person, I was very confident before this happened and the shock just got to me. I have been on auto pilot for 5 months. School run, work etc, now I just want to get in control of this anxiety and hopefully it will settle down soon. I feel like a failure for having to resort to medication, but I really had no choice. Thanks again

am the same as you i used to do everything on my own loved it that way and now am finding as am so anxious am depending on my parents n that i hate this way of living but we have to think positive

06-02-11, 10:14
Thats exactly how I feel. I used to always enjoy being on my own, doing my own thing, in fact I didnt really enjoy being around people very much as I was so confident in myself. Now Im frightened to do things alone, like weekends, my ex has my son every other one, but I feel so uptight, thinking, what can I do to pass the time. Luckily I have good friends who know how I feel, without them, I feel totally alone in the world. I feel down and anxious about the future and it has all come from this break up. It doesnt help that he left me for a woman who also has a child the same age as mine :weep: I just want to get back to what I know best, confident and full of energy. Now Im relying on meds to get through the day and feel useless at the moment. Are you on any tablets ?

07-02-11, 23:27
Thank you for your kind reply, I keep telling myself that it will improve as they get in my system. I just woke this morning thinking, oh god, I still feel the same !!! I was never an anxious person, I was very confident before this happened and the shock just got to me. I have been on auto pilot for 5 months. School run, work etc, now I just want to get in control of this anxiety and hopefully it will settle down soon. I feel like a failure for having to resort to medication, but I really had no choice. Thanks again

your not a failure and you most prob wont have to stay on the tabs forever there just there for now like a crutch holding u up well thats how i put it and when were ready to go without them just speak to your doc and get weaned off them you can do it just dont think NEGATIVE !! thats where i go wrong x