View Full Version : recovery?

06-02-11, 08:37
I recently joined this forum and I have been undergoing cbt plus have had many tests, all of which have come up negative. I am now at the stage where my attacks have recently stopped and even if I feel one coming I can use my cbt methods and quickly stop it rising. All good so far but........ I have damaged my muscles, especially in my face, over the last 6 weeks of 24/7 panic/anxiety and I can feel the residue of adrenalines affects still lingering on my body.
Obviously being in recovery I don't these symptoms to suddenly trigger new attacks and was wondering how long the symptoms could last? The muscles in face and the out of body feeling that can creep up on me.

Steve in recovery

06-02-11, 10:18
I'm not a doctor but I think you need to allow yourself a good six moths where these feelings might still come and go. The thing is to think ok, I'm getting a twitch (or however it manifests itself) but it's part of my recovery and it will fade with time and continue with your techniques to stop your anxiety taking hold.

You sound like you're doing really well but you need to be kind to yourself and accept that it will take time to go completely.

Well done for your positive progress - keep up the good work.

06-02-11, 22:34
you sure? I am no doctor but i don't think adrenaline sticks around and causes permanent damage to face muscles. Have you asked your doctor?
Exercise apparently is a great way to balance your body out after a rush of adrenaline

07-02-11, 00:25
I recently joined this forum and I have been undergoing cbt plus have had many tests, all of which have come up negative. I am now at the stage where my attacks have recently stopped and even if I feel one coming I can use my cbt methods and quickly stop it rising. All good so far but........ I have damaged my muscles, especially in my face, over the last 6 weeks of 24/7 panic/anxiety and I can feel the residue of adrenalines affects still lingering on my body.
Obviously being in recovery I don't these symptoms to suddenly trigger new attacks and was wondering how long the symptoms could last? The muscles in face and the out of body feeling that can creep up on me.

Steve in recovery

Interesting post Steve .....only inputt i can give is of my tight throat , swallowing issue ....its been there four months , very worrying but it is a lot less now , and not there all the time , as if as you say the muscles are healing somehow ....thats how i feel and i,m getting ihere i just have to keep believeing it , the more i believe the less the symptoms

08-02-11, 12:38
Thanks for the feedback peeps. The muscles in the face coke from the weeks I was stress and having anxiety 24/7 with about 4-5 full blown panic attacks per day. It's taken a toll and I can feel that. Today i've had a headache and also suffering from a trapped nerve where the muscles in my back have gone into spasm with the stress and of course back related issues of a prolapsed disc. I have though at no time let anxiety take any hold. Just been able to look at my symptoms foe what they are. CBT has been a life changer for me. Hopefully in a while I can come back on here and let people know that 100% is possible and be able to speak from experience. Although I was diagnosed really quickly, 4 weeks so am really lucky.