View Full Version : Mornings are exceptionally hard

06-02-11, 13:26
Why are mornings so hard? Every day when I wake up I feel overwhelmed, scared and all my symptoms are really bad. I find as the afternoon comes I feel a bit better and then by evening sometimes I ALMOST feel normal. Will my mornings ever feel normal again?

06-02-11, 13:28
You and me both!!! I end up coming on here and playing some games until the horrid anxiety feelings subside - I am working hard at my cbt and hope that, one day, I can wake up feeling 'normal' - whatever that is! Take care x

06-02-11, 13:31
Hi bajope,

I think alot of us feel worse in the morning.....when I had counselling she told me its something to do with our brains when we sleep and thats what makes us wake up feeling horrible!!! I am alot better than I was but still on inital waking feel anxious!!!

I have accepted it now and just try to tell myself as the day goes on it will get better and it does.

You are not alone!!!


06-02-11, 18:05
I too have anxiety when I wake up in the morning. I can have the anxious feelings on and off all day, but in the morning I usually have them. It is hard to wake up that way, but like another post said, as the day goes by it generally gets better. So, I try to tell myself not to panic, and things will get better as the day goes by.

06-02-11, 23:41
Ditto what the other posters have said. I'm MUCH worse in the mornings, to the point where I didn't want to go to bed at night, but I try not to panic now as I know I'll feel better as the day goes on.

I wonder if there is a psychological aspect to it as well e.g. having the whole day to get through??

06-02-11, 23:43
Hi bajope,

I think alot of us feel worse in the morning.....when I had counselling she told me its something to do with our brains when we sleep and thats what makes us wake up feeling horrible!!! I am alot better than I was but still on inital waking feel anxious!!!

I have accepted it now and just try to tell myself as the day goes on it will get better and it does.

You are not alone!!!


That's interesting!

07-02-11, 01:55
My mornngs and nights hard these days because of sadness. But befkre i got rid of my mornin anx panic sickness and depression.
It happened graduall, but here are tips. I have a strickt plan for every morning - a routine, get kids ready lanchnoxes, clothes bags etc, then from the nigjt before i pick and prepare my lovely clothes to wear for work, mix and match so i am actually looking forward to put it on in the morning, and also trying to tidy up he house max before we all leave. The little routine every morning doesnt leave much chance to anxiety.
But at times of course i still get it, like emotiola overloading, tiredness, PMS, somw accumulated frustration bur its all part of the jorney...

So routine is my secret..+ one more little tip doctor told me before if you suffer from anx panoc and depression never stay in bed after you woke up, get up straight away and do things - bed should not be a place for all the anx thinking, its the place for resting...hope you find it useful

07-02-11, 09:44
I can completely empathise with this - mornings are tough, you have to have blind faith that the day will pass ok, and you will feel better later on. not easy though, as it's before 10.00am here now, i'm at work and feeling terrible

jo h
07-02-11, 10:04
Hi all

I too feel rubbish in the mornings..start feeling better about 2pm its a nightmare ...dizzy lethargic .....but i make myself get up and do stuff to take my mind off it sometimes it works sometimes it doesnt :weep:

it seems a lot of us have this reading all your posts


07-02-11, 12:56
When you wake in the morning you get a surge of Cortisol .This is responsible for the flight or fight feeling you experience .The heart beats increase and you automatically feel anxious .Try not to react and do some deep breathing in through your nose for 7 breaths and out through your mouth for 11 .This will calm you down as you are concentrating on the counting .I have often fallen back to sleep doing this so be careful .Once you have relaxed get up straight away ,Its a perfectly normal body response ,responding to it with dread and fear keeps the cycle going longer ..Sue

07-02-11, 18:28
I have been taking medication and getting CBT since beginning of December. I take my tablet just before i go to sleep and by the morning the tablet has taken affect and any side affect which may have happened i have just slept through. My mornings are grim but thats just because i start work at 8am so its tough anyway and nothing to do with my anxiety. I guess everyone is different. This way just helps me.

09-02-11, 23:26
Yes, yes, yes...me too...morinings are worse! I find myself waking up and thinking, here we go again.....come late afternoon, evening, I feel much better and almost no anxiety!

10-02-11, 10:21
Mornings have always been the worst but I have learnt some things along the way. I don't just lie there in the dark and the silence anymore, I put the radio on and I draw the curtains a little. Lying there in silence does me no good whatsoever. I am also struggling early hours, as I am on Citalopram which is giving me heavy night sweats, so I have disturbed sleep every night and wake early, but the Cit has helped a lot with my depression and anxiety on the whole, so the sweating is a side effect that must be put up with. I have taken a blood test to rule out anything hormonal, but I am pretty sure its the Cit.