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View Full Version : A Question for the girls

30-03-06, 22:45
Hello everyone I hope your all well.
[:I] Im a little embarrassed about asking this, and wasnt quite sure were to post it.
Do you find that when you have a bad month with panic attacks your periods are heavier?
Ive had my worst month this month for panic attacks and now my period is very very heavy. Which of course me being me is making me panic a fair bit.
Silly arent I


april tones
30-03-06, 23:41
yes i had that this month! was worse one eva
see post on symtoms board.
etopics etc x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

30-03-06, 23:42
hui nula

yes i am the same my monthlys are all over the place and when they are heavy my panic is much worse
i get eptopic heart beats and they are much much worse when it is that time of the month i also feel tired moody and panic all the time i am going to the doctor to see if my hormones are out of it a bit as lots of people have told me they play a big part in anxiety

no you arnt silly i think you will find lots of people are worse at that time of month:) jo x

polly a
31-03-06, 15:26
same for me too girls i was considering the a and e mine was that heavy lol sorry for yous lot but glad im not alone pollyxx

p appleyard

Ma Larkin
31-03-06, 15:48
Hi Nula, I have a suggestion for all of you who suffer from heavy periods, PMT or extra anxiety related to that time of the month. Have you thought of having Depo injections? They are a contraceptive injection, which you normally have in the top of your leg, bum or back every 3 months. I have mine in my back, the nurse does it at my GP's surgery. After the 1st injection you may have a normal period for the first couple of months, but your periods stop altogether eventually. I don't bleed at all, I don't have any symptoms i.e. aching breasts, PMT, growling at the world, no symptoms whatsoever. If I had a love life it would be great lol!!! I'm also on prozac & diazepam & it doesn't interfere with my meds. Its worth a thought & the injections don't hurt.

There's only one down-side which is if you are thinking of becoming pregnant, it takes longer to get out of your system than an oral contraceptive would, so its suggested that you stop the injections 6 months before trying for a baby.

Apart from that, they're mega.

Les, xx

31-03-06, 15:51
nula never be embarrased baout this we talk about it all the time. anything for reassurance

i too find that my period is heavier at the minute when the anxiety is at its worst

not alone nula


31-03-06, 19:42
Thanks for all your replys everyone:D
Its really good to know im not alone.

The panic attacks and heavy periods are a viscious circle.

Thanks again.