View Full Version : Freaking out again :@

06-02-11, 13:45
Hi. Today I'm having a panic over my health again. I used nail polish and hairspray this morning then went to eat a yoguhrt without washing my hand and got a bit on my finger so I licked it off lol now I can taste hairspray and nail polish.! Also accidently sprayed hairspray on my back and it stung lol. also then i carried on eating and chocked and kept coughing. Another thing I'm worried about is we had some bread baguettes that you heat up and the best before date was 21/01 but my dad did them for breakfast and I ate them. Still getting stomach rumbling also. It rumbles constantly for bout 15 mins. Its really loud even my mum heard it across the room. Its not like the sound u get when ur hungry its different. Also yesterday morning had bad stonach pain/ the noises and felt Gassey and stonach was hard. Last thing is my head. I keep getting it knocked around and tapped lightly and im scared. I woke up with my head thrashing around evrrywere after a dream and it hit my wall. I also had a pain at a certain spot in my head for a while its not the first time ive hit it over the last few days. Also worrird that my sinus issues have spresd to my brain and i have an infection i know most of this post is pointless but i cant help worrying. Im sitting here debating if i worry or not and whether om really dying. Got a really strong taste of hairspray and nail polish to. Im scared it will poison me or stop me breathing

macc noodle
06-02-11, 14:20
Emma - you seriously need professional help so let's hope that you are able to be honest and truthful about your concerns with the counsellor next week.

This constant worry must be so draining for you and your family and it makes me wonder how you manage when you are at school/college - are you able to focus on your work and not your anxieties? I hope so hun.

Try and get out this afternoon and do something to take your mind off all this.

06-02-11, 16:18
Maybe it would be a good idea to print off all the posts you have made here since the last time you saw your doctor and take them along to see your counsellor?

It will give them some idea of the severity of your anxiety..if they (or your GP) don't realise how bad it is then it will be difficult for them to give appropriate treatment.

Good luck :)

06-02-11, 17:33
Thanks. I'm a little anxious about couneslling. My stomach has been squelcing constantly for ten mins now/ I'm really worried as over last few months been getting bad pains in tummy, consipation. Weird stools, lots of burping, bloating, hard tummy , weird creaky noises in throat sometimes. Gas.

06-02-11, 17:41

Have you tried any of the distraction techniques I have spoken about in my other replies to you?

06-02-11, 19:02
every symptom is anxciety,, if you was seriously seriously ill u will not be writing on here! im trying to get threw this health anxciety and the first step is get rid of eny form of computers with internet and read books listen to muisic watch tv. ok exercise half an hour a day a brisk walk eat healthy drink water.. sleep atm im not sleeping properley and im so exhausted wich is making me anxcious but i no its my mind making me not sleep REMBER YOUR MIND IS A VERY POWERFULL THING.... and im sure the you r not ''dyeing'' i have read most of your posts and hunny sounds like i was and probz still am but rember they didnt kill you.. what doesent kill you makes u stronger...go docters becouse thats what there there for my doc had enough of me but he getting paid to a job right? so i will keep going if i think something rong.... get a theropist CBT ive just started and hopefully im gonna be good soon..... becouse rember life is short its not a dress herasal you will never get to do it again wich funny enough a sycic sed that to me before i got sturck down wioth health anxciety.... but just think your still living it might be with worry but like i say before boutt exercise distractions CBT tryy it honestly and you can write to me if you want enytime :D

06-02-11, 19:52
Thanks I just don't beleive the stomach issues are anxiety lol. also got real bad head pain and pressure around nose and on nose. Had funny feeling in one ear earlier and now I'm scared of that lol. Also drank hardly anything for three days

06-02-11, 20:03
Also been getting bad chest pains painful upper arms, shouldrs and earlier had a pain under my armpit . The chest pain was a twinge in one place and now it's all over the place. Also hearing creaking sounds in throat and i just remembers the suffocating thing I had a few weeks ago for a few seconds :/

06-02-11, 20:04
If you don't think it is anxiety then you will have to see a Doctor about it.

06-02-11, 20:05
Macc when at college I never think about anxiety, but I still get all the pains. I try my best not to let it interfere with my work because I'm determined to get to uni lol

06-02-11, 20:08
Emma-read your post timed 20.05-that is the answer!

You still get the pains but you dont think about the anxiety and that is because you are at college distracting yourself!

You now need apply the same for when you get home!

06-02-11, 20:09
Kelly. I actually drew a picture of a body yesterday and labelled everything I could remember I've ever worried about. It did make me think about it more. I'm nervous about thursday but at the moment I'm still doubting that I'll even be alive to see thursday

06-02-11, 20:10
Thanks. Next weekend I'm not going to sit around at home and make my self feel worse/

06-02-11, 20:13
Emma-that is the best post I have read from you xxxx

Honestly, that really is the way to help yourself.

How about-when you come back in from the things you do next weekend, you can post on here and tell us what you have been doing. :):hugs:

08-02-11, 10:15
thanks. last night was horrible. I slept in a bunk bed which moves lol and i kept hitting my head lightly against the pillow. Also was really rough with my hair last night and i know because my head was sore after. Also have drank hardly anything all weekend and had a bed headache all day yesterday so i drank to much. i cant help but think im dying of brain hemmorage.

08-02-11, 10:27
When you say you haven't drunk anything, do you mean water?

08-02-11, 10:29
i had a couple of glasses of orange squash on saturday and the same on sunday. drank a ton yesterday though

08-02-11, 10:30
(small glasses)

08-02-11, 11:44
Really scared I've hit my head to hard

08-02-11, 12:09
Something as simple as not drinking enough water can cause so many symptoms. Think of it as oil for a car, without it the car will grind to a halt.

Every doctor I have ever seen about my anxiety has always asked 'how much water do you drink'.

08-02-11, 12:09
btw, what brought on all of this anxiety? There must have been a cause.

08-02-11, 12:59
Hi. Thanks for the response. It all started when I got a bad bang to the head last may and got a mild concussion. Today I was on a bus and smelt a really strong petrol like smell for ten mins. Something I never wud of worried about before but I do now. Really scared bout my head cuz felt dizzy yesterday to and slightly sick. More worried that I've caused my self hemmorage. I mess around with my hair a lot and brush it all the time really quickly and last night I had to get the knots out so I made my head sore now I'm feeling things in head ( not pain just weird sensations)

08-02-11, 13:01
So you HA started after a traumatic experience for you (hitting head/concussion). It's really good that you drew that diagram of a body and put all of your anxieties on there, if you still have that you could put it up on the wall - whenever you feel anxious you could take a look at it and remind yourself.

When is your appointment for counselling?

08-02-11, 13:03
Another thing I'm worried about is my stomach and bowels. My tummy will make noises sometimes for fiftenn mins on end and I'm gassy today. I always have a slight stomach ache. Sometimes bad and hard tummy along with weird stools and lots of burping/ sometimes chest pain but don't know of that's muscular. Has this issue for sox months last year without the burping. Also when I get gassy/ ache I get discahrge with it Also get nausea sometimes

08-02-11, 13:06
Hi piers. My app is on Thursday morning:) I've put the photo up on my wall already :D also to add to last post I get noises in my throat to but not very often and sometimes my throat will spasm and close up for a few seconds.

macc noodle
08-02-11, 13:24
Emma - you are not a camel in the desert - you need to drink 8 glasses of water a day.

If you do not drink fluids you will dehydrate - get dreadful headaches, inability to concentrate, upset stomach, acid/reflux, constipation, feel lightheaded/dizzy and so much more....................................

Try drinking regularly and you may well find some of your symptoms go away. Same goes for eating regularly too.


08-02-11, 14:02
Thanks I'm never not drinking again lol. Also sometimes when I eat my throat will close up and I struggle to swallow. I also gt funny feelings in throat/ top of mouth. Does this also sound like acid/ ibs? I've been burping a lot over the last hour. I just want to know I'll be alive next week when I can see a doc as I feel dizzy now and worried that I ingured my head :@

08-02-11, 15:25
Keep dropping things to

08-02-11, 16:54
Hi. I've been lying down really shaky for the last hour but now I'm worried about severe pains I get in my ankles and toes. So bad they make me cry , there aggrvated by movement and now I'm scared I have a blood clot :( it feels like I've twisted my ankle when it happens or my toes all squish together ( and you Can see they do to when it happens) when it happens it goes away after about ten minutes but sometimes it comes back. I've had this issue for about a year. Also when I sit on my bed with my laptop on my legs I get dead legs after five mins and can't walk. Been lying down for the last hour shaking scared of hemmorage or dehydration.

08-02-11, 17:11
Also stonach hasnt stopped making noises for half hour and i just burped a tiny bit of vomit up. Can acid reflux and ibs affect me after a while? I'm really really scared. The noises come from all over my stomach/ abdomen area. I am literally convinced I'm not going to see tommorow

08-02-11, 17:15
Are you eating enough?

When you don't eat enough the first place you normally get pain is legs and feet, this is because they are furthest away from the heart. The pain is nothing to worry about but its your body telling you to eat more and drink more water.

I sometimes get terrible pain in my ankles and feet, I worried about it but then realised that I subconsciously tense my legs when sitting down. I very often also get dead legs when sitting down, I saw a few GP's about it and in the end we worked out it was not enough calories combined with anxiety.

I think we spoke on msn a few times, I rememer you saying how much you ate - that really can cause 90% of the issues you have described, the rest can easily be caused by anxiety.

08-02-11, 17:16
And when you dont eat enough there is nothing there to promote peristalsis, that means the food just sits there. This can cause reflux, IBS and other symptoms.

It really took me about 9 months to believe that.

08-02-11, 17:20
Thanks. I'd beleive it was anxiety but I've been getting it for up to a year. Also I do eat more than enough now but last October I would live on a sandwich and a small chocolate bar each day. that lasted for a month before I finally got my appetite back.

08-02-11, 17:21
Also there aggravted by moving just my feet around. Doesn't happen often but I can stop it I move them again before the pain gets really bad.

08-02-11, 17:34
Also the dead legs only happen when I have my laptop on. I remember a time in 2009 when my feet had no feeling for hour on end. also got severe Pins and needles in one foot now but im only sitting with my legs crossed. It really stings lol

08-02-11, 17:53
I would have thought that having the symptoms for up to a year means more that its anxiety. I am sure many people on here would agree.

08-02-11, 18:01
Do you mean it is or isn't anxiety?

08-02-11, 18:05
I get bad pins and needles so easily which worries me

08-02-11, 18:07
I mean it is anxiety, everything you have described in your posts, from what i can remember, sounds exactly like anxiety down to a tee.

08-02-11, 18:12
Thanks. I wish I was at the point of beleivng that. I've been anxious since may 2010 but have had the foot thing since the start of 2009 I think but I've always had the feet thing I remember from a child I would get it in water a lot

08-02-11, 18:28
I also have funny feelings in one ear and I'm worried my sinus issues are spreadinG it's all tickly like I have a hair in it and I have pain in nose still. around ear and back of head also hurts. I feel like I'm dying with all this

08-02-11, 18:46
Did you try my suggestion of getting the Spray from Boots? Its really really worth while.

08-02-11, 18:57
I've been doing steam inhaltion with olbas oil. I honestly can't remember your suggestion. I just stepped in the bathroom right now and stepped on a load of sandy stuff but I cudnt see anything on the floor. I hate getting anxious over this. Tingly feet/legs now which is annoying

08-02-11, 19:00
Also got a pain underneath the foot I stepped on it on and it hurts when I press against it. Got full body tignles now but it's worse in the foot that aches

macc noodle
08-02-11, 19:13

I am afraid that we are feeding your anxiety by keep replying to your posts as you do just seem to be going round and round in circles with all these "symptoms" and you are becoming more anxious by the hour.

I am not going to make any more posts to you for a while because I really do feel that I am not helping in any way.

Until you can accept that your problems are anxiety based, you will not feel any better and this, I believe, will be helped with your visits to a counsellor who should be able to give you strategies and the ability not to constantly seek reassurance.

Hun, you need to be very honest with them when you go for your appointment and to take full advantage of all the help and assistance they will give you.

Good luck.


08-02-11, 19:17
Hi Emma

I'm sorry but I feel the same as Jan. I dont think it helps you at all to seek reassurance for your symptoms-you will never recognise them to be anxiety if you continue to do this.

You really need to start helping yourself before you lose decades of your life to this anxiety.

As I have said in many posts before-you need to stop focusing on your body-distract yourself and keep yourself busy like you do in college.

Good Luck Emma

08-02-11, 19:24
Thanks. I'm not quite sure what to expect on thursday. Deep down I know it's anxiety but there's still that part of me that questions " what if it's not"

macc noodle
08-02-11, 19:30
Kelly is quite right Emma - you are a young woman who will lose so many years getting bogged down with this anxiety unless you face it head on and conquer it.

I am an anxious person who has suffered really bad HA at times but I can get on top of it and, thankfully, with the help of CBT I have been able to keep it at bay for the best part of 15 years and having recently had a really bad resurgence of it have managed to "manage" the problem by using the strategies I was taught way back when.

Please please go to your meeting with an open mind and tell them exactly how you are feeling - they will be able to help and remember "Rome wasn't built in a day".

Good luck hun, I know you can make it and conquer this.



08-02-11, 20:11
Thanks jan. I don't want my youth ruined by this which is why in seeking Help earlier rather than later. Feeling all sorts of things at back of head now :@hJust felt a dripping sensation in back of head near like blood dripping.

08-02-11, 20:12
My ears don't feel right and I'm freaking out about it

08-02-11, 21:00
Got the cramp in my toe again when I went to kneel down. Only other thing I can thinknof is every so often I'll get a painful back spasm which stops me moving till it goes ( had this for over a year to) trying to sleep but I can't

08-02-11, 21:00
With all these pains, do they come and go?

08-02-11, 21:15
These ones are regular. The foot ones will last for up to fifteen mins at a time and Can get worse if foot is moved the wrong way I rarely get the back spasms. I've never shook or has tremors from my ha today but whilst lying down a moment ago I did

08-02-11, 21:35
It just happened again in other foot in toes ouchhh

08-02-11, 21:38
Also just lifted head up from pillow and if that side of head hurt. It's been twitching against the pillow and I've hit it a few times over the latvfew days and made it sore

09-02-11, 11:44
last night the pain in my toes started when i knelt down to pick something of up the floor. i was going to kneel on my knees then it started. it feels like it pushes my a few of my toes together and it kills. also got a pain on top of my head today

09-02-11, 16:25
At the moment worried about my head. I just brushed it and then the top of my head got really sore. I've hit it a few times recently n had head aches and a bleeding feeling near back of head last night. Last nihgt when I lifted my head from the pillow it made the side I was lying on sore. Got funny feeling in forehead and don't feel like I can keep my head up. Also I'm always really rough with my head brushing it a lot, rouhgly and quickly. And taking it up and putting it up loads of time in a day. Also I have to tug at my hair as it'd frizzy and curly so I brush it rouhgly. I'm really scared I have hemmorage. Also nearly got the feeling in my foot earleir but managed to stop it and I get numbness a lot so scared of blood clot

09-02-11, 16:30
It's also hurting on top of head now. Also when going to bed I shake a log and my head shakes against the pillow

09-02-11, 16:52
Only other thing i can think if my sinus issue has spresd

09-02-11, 17:25
also get pain in right hNd fingers but tend to putthat down to using a pc to much

09-02-11, 17:26
Also hurts to press around ears and nose aswell as sore head... Has it spread

09-02-11, 17:53
has what spread? Have you been diagnosed with a sinus infection?

09-02-11, 17:57
I was told by my doc that i had sinus issues a few weeks ago

09-02-11, 18:01
ALsonits alwways the same foot that goes numb and tingly even though that's the foot I don't lean on

09-02-11, 18:13
If it was an infection they would have given you antibiotics.

09-02-11, 18:21
Yep but he did say he cud see something in my ear. Also just put head on pillow to rest and it made the bit I was laying on hurt. The only other thing I'm worried about is my acid/ ibs issues. I just need to know I'll be alive tommrow

09-02-11, 18:58
The sore feeling on top of my head is coming and going , just got it now and now it's dying down again but the funny feeling spreads round to the back of head. Also just eat and now burping r there any good over the counter acid/ ibs meds?

09-02-11, 18:59
The only think i Can think of is dehydration. Also get chest pains to. I heard once severe acid can affect ur lungs if there's a big build up and it has no were to go

09-02-11, 19:38
Also feeel nauseas and dropping things a lot

09-02-11, 19:48
Also when tensing up just now to open a massive jar it made my head hurt

macc noodle
09-02-11, 20:12

Good luck with the appointment tomorrow - hope you have got your picture and some notes of all your feelings and worries?

Let us know how it goes.



09-02-11, 20:15
Thanks Jan. I have everything I need :) will be walking down there with a good friend as I need an extra push to make my self face this problem

macc noodle
09-02-11, 20:16
Excellent - well done hun


10-02-11, 18:43
Hi went to the meeting. It was just a general first one and recommended someone I should speak to. Still scared as the pain in my ankle nearly started again and i got hit in the top of head with a book today which I'm not happy about. Also still worried over stomach and acid and all those issues. Also got pins and needles in the leg were the pain in my ankle nearly started

10-02-11, 18:47
Also got a pain in thumb now :@ on left hand. I really can't wait to be free of the worrying. I'm truly terrified of having a blood clot. Also on foot have a little red dot which I used to have one my hand for years. Around it is like a pinkish area

10-02-11, 19:00
The pain Is in the area were my thumb joins my hand

10-02-11, 20:21
Also earlier was eating and I felt like I'd chipped my tooth and now the tooth atvthe back of my mouth feels pointy and sore :( what happened of if I swalloed ot

10-02-11, 20:22
It's never felt like this before and it feels different from the tooth on the other side of my mouth

10-02-11, 20:25
Hi went to the meeting. It was just a general first one and recommended someone I should speak to. Still scared as the pain in my ankle nearly started again and i got hit in the top of head with a book today which I'm not happy about. Also still worried over stomach and acid and all those issues. Also got pins and needles in the leg were the pain in my ankle nearly started

I thought that you were actually going to see a counsellor today, who did they recommend you should speak to? :shrug:

Did you print off your posts/or notes and take them with you?

If you don't address the problem yourself you are going round in circles, no matter how often you post. What happens next re counselling?

10-02-11, 20:29
Also teeth are painful to brush and bleed a little. Do I see a dentist before it's to late and will the pain become unberable before I can get an app? I'm freaking out again as I'm petrfied of pain

10-02-11, 20:30
Hi I went to see a counseller and went through everything but she recommended another form of counessling which we both decided was more sutible for me

10-02-11, 20:37
Emma did you see my post?

PS. Sorry sent that too quickly! What type of counselling has she advised? I'm sure if she saw everything you have written she would at least have given you some pointers on how to manage the HA.

Again at the risk of incurring the wrath of some, all these posts cannot possibly be helping or reassuring, you really do need expert help to deal with this problem.

10-02-11, 20:40

Everytime you post a symptom on here you are making your health anxiety worse and preventing yourself from taking control of it.

10-02-11, 21:00
Hi. She advised I speak to someone who works for the same place that has seen a lot of people with anxiety. The lady I saw tends to deal with children who are about ten. I showed her this whole entire thread but she never really paid much attention to it as it was the first meeting. Also was just in bath now and somethng like that looks like loads od starnds of hair fell in there so I grabbed hold of it and it was a creature of somesort ( I can't help but worry) I have another app. In a week and a halfs time.

11-02-11, 14:29
Emma I'm not trying to frighten but do you have support at home, family, friends. This forum is not helping you - look how much you have posted, almost in a frenzy. You need proper, guided, REAL-LIFE support... this forum is invaluable but you need somebody to help you who can be there for you asap.

Please try and speak to a family member about this I am very concerned about you.

Apologies to anybody this post may offend I am not trying to be harsh or anything I am just quite alarmed, concerned and I don't think this forum is necessarily helpful for Emma right now


11-02-11, 14:41
Hi, My family dont understand when i try to speak to them about it they shrug it off like its nothing. My friends on the other hand have been really amazing the last two weeks or so. At first they thought it was just me worrying to much but i managed to explain to them how i feel and there really helpful. (i have only shared my ha with my two closest friends who are both male). Your not being harsh and infact i completly agree with you but im still at a loss.

11-02-11, 14:54
I'm just really worried as you seem quite frantic in how you post, and you desperately need support. It took my family quite a lot to understand, but when I got really bad they actually flew back from holiday to come and help me. you need to make them see how much you need them right now. doctors will tar every one with the same brush but i think if you took your posts here to the doctors they would see you need special support not to just be brushed off. that might be naive of me but my experience with the nhs has been very good in terms of mental health. i had my first cbt appt in a week because of how bad i was, and i think if you could communicate it properly you may be able to get referred to the mental health team to get the help you need. you seem a sensible girl so please take the steps to help yourself get better :hugs:

11-02-11, 15:02
Also was just in bath now and somethng like that looks like loads od starnds of hair fell in there so I grabbed hold of it and it was a creature of somesort ( I can't help but worry)

:D well I have to admit that woud have left me a bit freaked out too! What was it, did you find out? I remember once I moved my cats bed - it's against a wall and this black hairy thing started to crawl out the wall, I near keeked myself :roflmao:had to hoover it up - could barely hold the b****y hoover I was shaking that much!

Glad the counselling is getting sorted out love, when you say your family don't understand, who have you tried to talk to? Sometimes an impartial Aunt or Grandparent can be of valuable support? Did the counsellor suggest any relaxation techniques?

The one thing I would reccomend - limit yourself to how much time you spend talking about your symptoms. Make a set time each day, call it "worry hour" and only allow yourself to think about your worries then. Come on here then, if you feel the need and discuss what's bothering you. Try not to spend all day every day on here - I've seen people do that before and you just know it's not helping them at all. Yes talk about anxiety, worries and that but coming on here all the time just keeps it in your head 24/7, it's not fun and it does nothing to help you at all.

You know you can chat to childline on now - if you google childline their webpage will come up, they have a new service just like msn where you chat to a volunteer who'll talk you through your worries and problems and work with you to find a solution.

I hope this doesn't sound too cruel! Hope you feel better soon :) x

11-02-11, 15:03
I'm just really worried as you seem quite frantic in how you post, and you desperately need support. It took my family quite a lot to understand, but when I got really bad they actually flew back from holiday to come and help me. you need to make them see how much you need them right now. doctors will tar every one with the same brush but i think if you took your posts here to the doctors they would see you need special support not to just be brushed off. that might be naive of me but my experience with the nhs has been very good in terms of mental health. i had my first cbt appt in a week because of how bad i was, and i think if you could communicate it properly you may be able to get referred to the mental health team to get the help you need. you seem a sensible girl so please take the steps to help yourself get better :hugs:

Agreed - please keep fighting for help, Emma :hugs:

11-02-11, 16:54
Thanks. I've only spoken to my mum and dad bout it. The counsseler didn't suggest anything as she said she had to go though all the routine stuff in the first lesson. I'm really scared over the creature i saw because my dads toliet and bathroom is disgusting( I use the family bathroom) it was unlike anythig I'd seen before and we have no pets. Also had a hood on in the rain now and it was really tight around my head and now it hurts there ( I hate worrying about things like that)

11-02-11, 16:59
Also just rubbed my forehead and it made the part on the corner of my eye brut which is painful now and inside ear hurts if touched and I get pressure in and around nose

11-02-11, 17:44
The bug things annoying me. I can't eat because I'm worrid it wud of been in the fridge and there's loads of them :( also still hurting there on my head and feel really dizzy( have had one pint of squash today and one small glass of orange) scared I'm dying of dehydration as over weekend and last week barely drank also worried as I had they tight hood on Nd it a made my head feel funny but I cud be feeling dizzy from ear infection and they ache to and my sinuses are still bad ( also my teeth hurt to brush and bleed and I'm frighthed of pain)