View Full Version : my anxiety symptoms

06-02-11, 17:35
i thought i would put down my current and past anxiety symptoms to see how many other people suffer similar problems


feel spaced, diffcultly to communicate with others - horrible thoughts when talking to family friends -
fear im going mad
emotions all up and down
Constant worry and intrusive thought about losing control or harming someone.
feel i cant trust myself or my thinking
feel spaced and anxious as soon as i wake up in the morning
strange tingling burning sensation head, eye and face
fuzzy vision all the time,
tired even after a reasonable night sleep
worried i have a serious mental illness or disorder - bipolar, schiz, cancer,vCJD
just seem to be floating around in mind - no interest or drive anymore
scared im not going to get better
scared i wont be able perform at work or home life as i used to
obssessing and avoidence behaviour

08-02-11, 15:53
I've experienced most of these at one point or another in my anxiety. You'll probably find most people if not all the people on here have experienced most of these feelings at one point too! That list sounds every bit anxiety related to me.

You're definatley not alone and I was convinced at one point I was never going to get better and this was my life from now on. However, I've come a long way from that point in my life and with a lot of hard work and a little faith in myself I feel completely different from last year. It can be done and you can/will get out of it. xx