View Full Version : Hi I'm Emm

06-02-11, 18:51
I joined because I have health anxiety - I currently have a biggish throat ulcer which the doc has seen and diagnosed as a common ulcer, and is putting it down to me being so run down for so long with relationship problems.
but of course i am not sleeping because i have convinced myself i have mouth cancer. have been told to look after myself better, but hard to do that when so worried.
can't put it out of my head because it hurts, so diversion tactics are not working here.
I was hoping to go into the chat room but have to be a member for 5 days first so i will have to be patient.
i used to be agoraphobic but conquered it to a large degree but have had problems with going out alone for a good while again - it's never completely gone away but always rears it's head badly in times of stress.
looking at this post i look like a right moaner, but hope people here may understand.
my partner - who i am currently separated from, cites my "hypochondria" as part of what annoys him about me - trouble is, the more we fall apart, the more i get poorly and so on - a vicious cycle.
thanks for listening!

06-02-11, 18:52
Hi angelfairies

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

06-02-11, 20:33
Hiya Emm,

I'm also new to this board having just joined today.

I'd forgotten all about having mouth ulcers myself until reading your post. I used to get them on the edge of my tonsils making it sore to swallow anything. I used Corsodyl spray which seemed to help a bit. They just went away in time themselves and I haven't had any for a fair few years now.

Also, sorry that you are seperated from your partner but I can relate to this too. I was going out with a girl for five years and I think she too thought I was a hypochondriac. I have IBS which was bad for a while and restricted where I could go and this got to her in the end as we never went anywhere (where there wasn't toilets). We split in 2005 and for eight months I felt terrible. Panicky, stressed and lonely. It wasn't until meeting my new girlfriend I realised how much better off I was being apart from my ex. My ex just didn't understand or have the patience and I was better off without her even better off being alone really despite feeling bad on my own. It was better than the feelings I had when I was with her. I'm sure in time you will meet someone who is more understanding and cares for you regardless of any extra care you may need.

Take care,


06-02-11, 21:57
thank you
i think when we are stressed about something else that all our fears and phobias surface, and if we are made to feel stupid or wrong for having those phobias it just adds to how we are feeling.
thank you for the corsodyl spray suggestion - my ulcer is on the edge of my tonsils too and i cant gargle, lol, so a spray would be a good idea.
thanks again :)

Vanilla Sky
07-02-11, 21:17
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x

08-02-11, 18:21
thanks paige xx