View Full Version : Ridiculous nervous cough

06-02-11, 22:42
does anyone else start doing this when in hightened anxiety? I am forever trying to clear my throat, even though it is in fact clear.

I am either trying to get rid of that imaginary lump or assuming theres a bit of food or phlem (yum) that needs shifting

I think I have done it that much and it has become a habit that it has partly brought on this issue i have with swallowing food

any advice / thoughts are much welcomed

07-02-11, 02:16
As for me anx always knows what will bOther me. Like you are saying swallawing - yes because we can feel choking and this eentuly set the anx. It knows what potentially sets us off and uses it to fuel anxiety.
I would just except this
Worry aover throat, choking and coughoing as part of the package and let it subside by itself when you will get vored
Of it...