View Full Version : Please help!!

07-02-11, 12:45
Im 31 weeks pregnant and this morning while i was on my way to work i had what i think was a panic attack. When i woke up this morning i had a pain in my chest and i started to worry about it, then on my way to work i felt like i couldnt breathe and was taking big gasps of breath. I pulled down the window to get more air but it didnt help, i then had to pull over because it got that bad. Next thing i got severe pins and needles in my hand and feet and my hand started to lock like i couldnt move them, my heart started to thump and i began to shake vigorously. I got so scared i rang my mother to come and meet me but by the time she got to me it was all over, it only lasted about 5 mins but i was so scared. I am still feeling shaky because i am afraid it is going to happen again. Has anybody got an idea of what it could be? im afraid of it happening again, i get little panic attacks every now and again but nothing this big. Im scared of it affecting the baby but it has been kicking alot so i know things are ok there. Can someone please help me i feel like i am going out of my mind :weep::weep:

07-02-11, 12:53
You hyperventilated. The tingling and smothering and fast heart are all symptoms of hyperventilation.

The pain will have been preying on your mind, perhaps not intentionally which will have changed your breathing pattern leading you to overbreath. And then some time later this will gave manifested itself as the smothering feeling.

The worst thing you can do us gasp for air,although I know that's the natural reflex. You need to slow your breathing down to rebalance the carbon dioxide and oxygen.

You'll be fine. But I know how scary it can be. I hyperventilated so much once that my arms went numb!