View Full Version : Saw red when blinking?????

07-02-11, 12:49
i was out walking to the shops this morning, it was very cold and the wind was blowing directly into my face and making my eyes water.

i noticed that every time i blinked, i could see flashes of red. it was like a blood red color, it just happened very fast when i blinked, i think it was when my eye lids closed. it seemed to have stopped happening when i went in doors to the warmth.

im sure i have had this happen before quite a while ago.

i am 20 years old.

has anyone else had this before?

07-02-11, 13:15
I have this sometimes, just put it down to a blood vessel in the eyelid. Its like when you close your eyes and shine a light at them, you can see red

07-02-11, 13:21
so this is nothing to worry about then? it was weird because it happened with both eyes, but i hadn't long woken up so maybe it was just my eyes adjusting.


07-02-11, 18:06
no one else had this then??

07-02-11, 20:07
Yea, usually when it's quite bright outside. I remember having it as a kid as well so doubt it's anything to be worried about. x