View Full Version : chest pain all test ok

31-03-06, 00:07
hi am 32 and fed up for the past 4 year ive suffered chest pain, now for the past 6 mth its gone worse and now it is there most of the day a heavy feeling across the top of my chest, tied headaces, leg pains/arms, dont go out had ecg (ok), treadmill test(waiting results doc said not to worry as if there was anything wrong they would have to tell me at the hospital before i left) blood test was ok liver came back not ok so have to have liver test on antiacid tablets and painkillers, my mum is 66 and has just had a stroke but when in hosptal was told she had one before, my dad died a year ago with a stroke im very worried and terrified of dieing i have kids and just want to live a nomal life but i cant thanks for listerening,

31-03-06, 19:07
Hi and welcome aboard.

Chest pain is very common with anxiety. Have you been diagnosed with anxiety atall?


31-03-06, 20:16
Hi there,
sorry you are feeling so bad right now, but i think you have had a bit of a rough time recently what with mum being ill and losing dad! Of course, now you have these chest symptoms you will think that you are going to have a stroke/heart attack, you have been tested for them, so please try to feel re-assured, as for the liver tests, am no expert, but whatever is discovered can and will be treated. Try, as hard as it is, not to be frightened, chest pain is a very common symptom with anxiety, once the fear subsides, so will the pain, take things easy, take care of mum and keep in touch x

31-03-06, 20:18
HI there

welcome to the site, what you describe is a classic anxiety symptom, chest pain of this nature of mimics serious illness, when infact it is probably the chest muscles tensing up in response to the anxiety. My mum had exactly the same problem she is 64 and was convinced she had angina, like you she had all the tests done and it turned out to be anxiety related.

You are also very young to be suffering from any heart related illness which is good, hope you soon feel better there isloads of info here on the site

Take care Ruthxx

31-03-06, 22:42
[^] thanks for the replys it makes me feel better having people to talk to thanks again