View Full Version : Leg falls asleep after uncross legs

07-02-11, 20:35
For a long time I have had this odd symptom. I sit down and cross my legs, where pressure from my knee is put on my calf or upper leg depending on how I am sitting. I am fine while I am sitting there but after I uncross them, which ever leg was on top will go all pins and needles. I don't see how this could be circulation since it doesn't happen while the legs are crossed. It seems like I put pressure on a nerve and that releasing the pressure triggers the pins and needles. This doesn't make sense to me and is worrying me. Does anyone else get this?

07-02-11, 20:47
Hi J2 I don't know what causes it, maybe blood flow restriction. I get this all the time most days actually, even more so when I sit on my legs I have a bad habit of sitting on my legs or crossing them especially when I'm anxious. Some times it can take quite a few minutes for the pins and needles to go.
Take care

07-02-11, 20:54
The pins and needles sensation is all the blood flowing back after the leg has had the blood flow restricted for a while....... if you completely cut off the circulation to something it goes numb. Nothing to worry about!!