View Full Version : Stomach issues

07-02-11, 21:27
I've suffered with stomach issues since I can remember, I'm now 31.

Early last year I has tummy trouble so saw my GP who tested me for Helicobacter which was positive. I had a lot of gastric issues at the time and burning so I was given the triple therapy and I felt better. I did 2 months of Lansoprazole afterward too.

I have IBS and often suffer with lower abdo cramps but I'm used to that. Recently though on and off I've had pains in mu actual stomach, just stabbing acidic type pains, lots of popping under my ribs, all over my back..... It's all over and I often feel hiccupy. It started last week after a week on lymecycline antibiotics and since then I've been riddled with lots of popping and acid plus ibs.

I've seen my GP, been put on ranitidine to ease it but he thinks I've just reacted to the antibiotics so he's stopped them now. I'm left freting though, do I have an ulcer? Helicobacter again? Or something else nasty..... My GP doesn't think so, he said it's just an IBS flare up due to the antibiotics but I keep thinking it's an ulcer or something bad:((

Could IBS cause gastric symptoms though? I have constant bubbling/popping low and high in abdomen aswell as all over my back. It's driving me mad:(((

07-02-11, 22:15
I have read that anti biotics can upset the stomach . I,m surprised the doc stopped the ranitidine .

It sounds like you have an acid stomach and need the meds again to settle it down .
You could try the otc zantac 75 (which is just half strenght ranitidine for a week to see if it settles before you go back to the doctors .

07-02-11, 22:19
Think i read your post wrong , its the anti biotecs the doc has stopped ? If so i,m sure the ranitidine will sort your stomach out

07-02-11, 23:37
I know when my ibs and gastritis is up there is popping, gas, hicups etc etc. The zantac can be helpful, as can domperidone (otc).

08-02-11, 06:08
Yes he stopped the antibiotics. I'm on ranitadine.

I'm just so worried he will refer me for an endoscopy:(( I am too scared.

08-02-11, 09:01
i have the same symptoms as you since taking a course of antibiotics. apparently they can worsen ibs. i know how you feel its horrible. take care xxx

08-02-11, 09:05
Antibiotics affect your stomach as they kill off the "good" bacteria as well as the bad ones. Taking probiotics is supposed to help as it helps your gut repopulate itself with the good bacteria. I certainly get stomach symptoms as well with my IBS, which includes indigestion.

08-02-11, 09:27
I just always though IBS was lower abdomen abd wouldn't cause gastric symptoms?

08-02-11, 10:28
IBS can cause extra gas which pushes up on teh stomach, there is only so much room in there. This can cause stomach bloating, pain and acid.

08-02-11, 10:36
Sounds exactly like me recently:(

08-02-11, 14:35
Don't be scared if your Dr recommends a gastroscopy - just make sure you have max sedation and you won't know a thing about it - I have had two 5 yrs apart for hiatus hernia and with max sedation it was a doddle!

08-02-11, 16:48
Yes it was Lymecycline. I'd been on it 4 days when I became unwell. My stomach is still playing me up a week after stopping it.

I just would be very anxious about being sedated, the whole thing scares me:(

08-02-11, 17:38
Antibiotics give me really bad stomach aches and IBS symptoms. After and during a course I have Yakults - 2 hours before and after an antibiotic. It could be the antbiotics got rid of the H-Pylori but also killed off some of the good intestinal flora. Try Yakults or get something for the health food shop.