View Full Version : Struggling to overcome health anxiety

anx mum
07-02-11, 21:43
wondering how people overcome health anxiety? Really struggling at mo on meds which i dont think is lifting my mood, seeing a councllor once a week. Not the person i used to be used 2 go out. Any advice how to get thr this?

07-02-11, 22:28
Be strong bev you can do this:)

Not sure if you ever overcome health anxiety but I think you learn to deal with it and handle it before it fully takes over.

CBT has really helped me and having a great CBT therapist. Accepting I suffer from anxiety has also helped.

I'm not 100% health anxiety free I still have my days and mornings are worse for me I wake up feeling shakey and edgy for some reason but I tell myself its anxiety and it soon passes.

I really think CBT is something you should try, I used to run to my doctors for medication when my health anxiety got bad but I have to say CBT worked best for me I do not need meds I'm actually living a 90% anxiety free life without meds and I didn't think I could. I'm not saying don't be on meds because they do help when you find the right med for you.

Did you ask your gp about CBT? Maybe you would benefit from this and anything is worth a try if it helps you to get a grip of you HA, it doesn't work for everyone and it can be hard work but its worth it in the end.

Good luck hunny xxxx

07-02-11, 23:25
hun ive had health anx bad for 6 months iam sorry i cant help to tell u how to get rid of it ,if i find helpfull info on it i will pass it along hunni,hope u feel better soon and if u ever need to talk u can pm me,,,tc :)

08-02-11, 11:47
to be honest i remember asking the same thing you are in a post.. i remember a few people from this website suggesting medication to me.. but i didnt like that idea.. finally i got fed up with it.. i learned how to deal with my panic attacks on my own but it seemed health anxiety was on a whole different level.. i mean every bump and every pain id freak out!!! atleast with my panic attacks i knew what was wrong with me and i could get used to them! anyways im not saying medication if for everyone, medication is a persons choice but for me i was at the point where id try anything to get better.. so i agreed to try meds for a month and i started to worry less and less.. finally it all faded! that helped me personally.. there are probably a lot of other solutions and suggestions out there and i hope you find one that works for you :hugs: