View Full Version : head pressure...is back

07-02-11, 23:18
hi everyone its me again fr the last 6 months ive had this awfull head pressure right on top of my head,i have it when i wake up till i go to bed at night its awfull i cant live life no more i am at teh end of my rope with this iam so sceard its something bad,ive had ct scan 4 months ago,ive been to doctors so many times for this they say i have nbad headaces but i just cant belivethen cause it never goes away i go to eye doc tomorrow to see if its my eyes iam so sceard,,,i get dizzy ,i feel like throaing up all time my eyes are going all weird i just need some one to try an help me please:(

macc noodle
07-02-11, 23:53
Hey hun, sorry you are having such a rough time with this. I guess the first thing I can say from your post is that if you had a CT scan 4 months ago and this showed nothing, then you haven't got any real nasties going on inside your head which is good.

If the docs. say it is headaches - have they prescribed any powerful headache remedies? Have you taken any meds for it?

Has anyone suggested it might be anxiety driven?

The good news is your eye doc will be able to do a thorough sight test and also by looking into the eyes will be able to see if there are any underlying health conditions causing any sight difficulties. Do you have vision problems with the pain/pressure?

I know what it is like to be scared but if you have no other symptoms then it is unlikely to be anything other than headaches after 6 months of suffering.

Good luck with your trip to the docs.


07-02-11, 23:57
yes my eyes have been feeling funny and ive been seeing alot more floaters and i have bad pressure behind my eyes,and i have pain too ,,seems liek iam going blind iam fearing that the most

macc noodle
08-02-11, 00:01
Did you know that you can get really bad headaches when you have eye strain and need glasses?

Just a thought hun...........................

Please try and relax and trust that the ophthalmologist will be able to put your mind at rest at your appointment.


08-02-11, 00:02
yes hun i was thinking that iam on this computer about 8 -10 hours out of the day but if i stay off the feeling is still here

macc noodle
08-02-11, 00:04
If you are on a computer 8-10 hours a day I would say it was a safe bet that this is a contributing factor to your problems and I would also add that if the pain is gone and you can sleep without being disturbed, then it would very clearly point towards being an eye problem - in as much as you probably need to rest your eyes more frequently or wear glasses to help them from overworking.


08-02-11, 00:08
hun u dontthik iam going blind iam so sceard i am i was up all night focousing on my eyes which made it worse....hun iam seeing trails off everything i look at iam just so sceard

macc noodle
08-02-11, 00:08
I used to have really bad problems with blurry vision and headaches a few years back and I was working in a job that required lots of computer work (8 hours a day).

Went to the docs and we talked about what I did and she suggested that it was being caused by working with eyes in a fixed position for long period of time and that I needed to take regular breaks and during those breaks to go and look at something in the middle to far distance (this was to make the eyes change position and focus on working in the distance) and to see how I went.

After a few weeks, it was tons better and the headaches and blurry eyes went!!!!

Also, hun, if you are anxious about all of this - you could well get the symptoms you are describing too.

Try not to worry too much until you have seen the doc and see what they say.

macc noodle
08-02-11, 00:10
YOU ARE NOT GOING BLIND! These floaters and visual disturbances are pure anxiety I am sure. You need to try and focus away from them - the more you concentrate on them, the worse they get.

Babe I suffered from panic attacks for many many years and could never see clearly - always had floaters and visual disturbances - got so bad was too scared to drive my car in case I went blind or into a coma [and that was 15 years ago and I am still here to tell the tale].......................

08-02-11, 00:10
I have something similar but they are stress headaches? the amount of time you spend on the pc means you should have regular eyetests but I really don't think there is anything to worry about. Look into relaxation techniques and get that eye test booked :)


08-02-11, 03:14
ty u all so much it does help

08-02-11, 07:08
I've been having exactly the same problems. Extreme pressure feeling in the top of my head, weird vision and also buzzing in my ears. I went to A&E due to a blackout and still did not get an MRI or CT. If you had a CT then atleast you can rule out anything really serious. After reading the posts I'm begining to concider it could be eyestrain I am having too as I used to be on the PC for 8-10 hours sometimes. If I can ask how did you eventully get a CT? My doctor refuses to even concider it and is 100% sure it is anxiety. Hope you feel better soon. :)

11-02-11, 23:04
thanks for all that replys

07-05-11, 16:38
MY HEAD pressure is back bad ..again i just cant handle it anymore ...i realy think there something wrong ..i had ct scan it was normal but doc sent me for a mri but i was to sceard and felt closed in and i couldnt go threw with it ....i just dont no what to do please help

22-09-11, 05:03
so stressed its all coming back the awfull head pressure ::(

23-09-11, 13:16
Jessica I have had head pressure for what seems like months now, it's all over and in my neck and down my back into my shoulders and a lot of the time even my arms ache (mainly my left one which also scares me).
I also get tingles down the left side of my back and in my lips and cheeks when it's particularly bad :/
I've taken nurofen and it didn't really help, sometiems I get vertigo from it that can last all day, I blame the head pressure because it goes hand in hand, when the pressure is bad I feel like I'm sinking, when it loosens up I feel like I';m floating, both of which are really uncomfortable feelings and make me feel like I'm spinning asnd make the room spin.
I haven't been away from my home for months!
Not because I am scared of people or whatever but because I am just scared Iw ill collapse when away because ofr asll of these symptoms!

02-10-12, 05:42
It's back worse than ever :( wish I knew what's wrong