View Full Version : Hi I'm introvert33, new to the forum

08-02-11, 00:57
Hi Everyone,

I just joined and I'm hoping to find a bit of understanding and empathy here from fellow sufferers of anxiety problems.

I struggle with Social Phobia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder and depression - an unwelcome hat-trick! The GAD in particular has been troublesome over the past year, I've had that on and off for a decade or so I'd say, with the Social Phobia and depression stretching back to when I was a kid (I'm 35 now).

Around a year ago I found out my dad had committed suicide, I'd already been in the midst of a major depressive episode that meant I had to leave my job. Most of my friends have shown they can't be bothered and I've been faced with all this stigma surrounding my mental illness and unemployment, as well as being bereaved. All in all it's been a tough 12 months or so!

I'm now in a place where I realise that the vast majority of my friends - none of whom I'm close to - have no understanding of what it's like to live with depression and anxiety and I'd really like to be able to converse with some peeps who 'get it' and who don't come out with "you've just got to..." statements, ending with such pearls of wisdom as: "... be positive," "...not let it get to you." "...try and relax." etc etc. If only conquering these problems were that easy eh? I wish people would realise that it's not a result of attitude, but of illness, and it won't go away simply because I want it to. I didn't choose anxiety and I can't magic it away with a bit of sustained willpower! Anyway if I don't stop myself this'll turn into a rant, suffice to say I've not experienced much understanding or empathy and I just need a bit of kindness from peeps who know where I'm coming from.

Thanks for reading. Big hugs from me.


08-02-11, 01:01
Hi introvert33

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

08-02-11, 09:35
hiya im new to but i think u have found a good place for support and understanding :).

11-02-11, 17:59
Hi,i can understand what you mean as people dont understand what we go through but we dont want to be like this at all and didnt chose to be at all. I am off sick at the moment and terrified of losing my job,as i will have no money,status etc etc:shrug: Do you have much support? At least there is support here.