View Full Version : CBT query

08-02-11, 12:30
Did anyones counsellor suggest keeping a mood type diary? I wrote some things down but finding it hard?? xxx

08-02-11, 19:51
It is scientifically proven that the brain takes on and stores information considerably better when this information is actually written down. So, what would normally just go through your head and disappear there within seconds, becomes much more concrete and lasting when written down. And Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is capitalising on this, which I think makes a lot of sense.

I know it feels a bit funny writing things down on a regular basis, but I found it's a bit like forming a habit: You'll have to do it for a certain amount of time, and then it starts to become second nature. Keep on going with it, as it really helps! And I think the fact that the writing does make a difference and really helps is what is most important. If you keep going, I'm sure there will be a moment some time in the future when you'll look back and find it hard to imagine your life without writing anything down! :)

09-02-11, 00:21
It is scientifically proven that the brain takes on and stores information considerably better when this information is actually written down. So, what would normally just go through your head and disappear there within seconds, becomes much more concrete and lasting when written down. And Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is capitalising on this, which I think makes a lot of sense.

I know it feels a bit funny writing things down on a regular basis, but I found it's a bit like forming a habit: You'll have to do it for a certain amount of time, and then it starts to become second nature. Keep on going with it, as it really helps! And I think the fact that the writing does make a difference and really helps is what is most important. If you keep going, I'm sure there will be a moment some time in the future when you'll look back and find it hard to imagine your life without writing anything down! :)

Excellent post European!
As I posted the other day thought countering using the TEA forms on paper is essential for lasting CBT success and relief.
I posted a thread on this here if you want to hear more:

Good luck.

09-02-11, 09:20
I also got asked to keep a mood diary just last week, like you I find it difficult Ive only filled it in once! Ive only had 2 sessions of cbt and to be honest it wasnt what I was expecting, im just hoping it gets better x

09-02-11, 09:53
Thanks for your replies. I've got my 2nd session today eeek. Feeling rele anxious today :( and rele tired.

I wrote a few entry is my diary but finding it hard to write my feelings down...there does seem to be common theme tho tearful...anger and guilt :weep:

10-02-11, 10:24
Thanks for your replies. I've got my 2nd session today eeek. Feeling rele anxious today :( and rele tired.

I wrote a few entry is my diary but finding it hard to write my feelings down...there does seem to be common theme tho tearful...anger and guilt :weep:

How did it go sop?

11-02-11, 09:48
Same..feel awful :( I've got an activity diary this week...gotta force myself out and do activities with others and record how I feel...Jeeze will this get easier?? x

11-02-11, 10:00
Hi Sop

Yes it does get better. I,ve been doing CBT for about 6 months, didn't go well to begin with because I refused to take medication as well. I had to do a mood diary which I felt really self conscious and strange about and then we changed it to a good mood diary because I would just write about all the bad stuff. My counsellor didn't want to read it but we did talk about it. I am quite artistic so I also found it helpful to sketch in it or paint pictures and stick them in.

Setting targets and goals, like going to a particular place was also difficult but ultimately helpful. I even take the meds now and at the moment am doing ok....I still see my counsellor but not so often and although I don't keep the diary on a regular basis it has taught me to look for the good in things rather than seeing everything as bad, useless etc.

Keep going I hope it works for you.

Take care

14-02-11, 08:52
Thanks Thyme :)

05-03-11, 01:42
In my experience the mood diaries etc were not a great deal of help. I strongly recommend you focus your cbt efforts on countering your thoughts in the TEA forms and once you get good at doing them start doing exposures.