View Full Version : Intrusive thoughts

08-02-11, 13:01
Hi all - i finally went to the doctors yesterday and spoke about my anxiety and i was prescribe beta blockers which i started taking this morning i was really worried about them but just thought enough is enough i need a break from this cycle

im still having intrusive thoughts which really scare me i just dont know how to push them away anymore im so tired - all i know is i never used to have these thoughts and i could go about my day with no thoughts of harming people going round my head -

the most scary part is the fear im might lose control and act on them or something inside my mind is actually starting to enjoying them! the latest one is thoughts of hurting a random person who works in the coffee shop near me which i have avoided since i started having the thoughts a few weeks ago, my thoughts seem to swap between different people like when im talking to my partner or other family member it just goes round and round in my mind i hate it -

I know im may seem like a nutter but i just want this to stop

09-02-11, 12:13
Hi there,

Your whole story is very normal to me and other OCD sufferers :bighug1:
I am sorry you have to battle them everyday, truly you will never act on these thoughts but sometimes you feel like it's all getting out of control and you are about to go crazy, funnily enough you never get to that point.

I know Drs prescribe anti d's and beta blockers but I suggest you make an appointment with a psychiatrist as they deal in these kinds of medications. It can take a few tries to find the right one and you can talk freely about your intrusive thoughts too as they are so common.

I take paroxetine and it works wonders for me, it always had, I changed meds when pregnant and well you can imagine the nasty intrusive thoughts I had...... I stopped breast feeding and went back onto paroxetine:shades:

All the best mate, also try to understand these thoughts are not real and let them in then out, don't push them away as they come back x 1000000000

11-02-11, 22:16
Hello all
I have been suffering from awful intrusive thoughts (fear of going mad and hurting people I love) for the last week, and I was frightened I was an evil monster. The thoughts made me feel disguested and ashamed of myself, and I was so worried about them that I have barely slept recently. These thoughts also gave me the most crippling anxiety attacks where I couldn't breathe or stop shaking. I feel like I have been living in an awful nightmare. It was so weird to have them as I like to think I am a very kind and caring person and I adore my family and friends. Coming on to this forum and hearing that so many people suffer from the same thing has made me feel so relieved.
I didn't realise this was actually OCD, I always thought OCD was hand-washing or fear of germs.
Anyway, I am determined to beat this and have seen that in my local area there is a therapist who deals specifically with OCD. But I am too frightened to email him about this in case he calls the police or has me sectioned. Do any of you who have had therapy find that most therapists would know about intrusive thoughts and are supportive of them?
I currently have CBT as I suffer from social anxiety disorder which has resulted in depression and cripplingly low self-esteem. I did tell my CBT tutor what I was feeling (admittedly in floods of tears) and she was very kind but I am still a bit worried.

I have to say that this forum has been like a shining light to me at what feels to be the lowest point in my life. I wish you all the very best of luck in seeking the help you need and in leading the happy and fulfilling lives you all deserve.


13-02-11, 01:10
It's a bit refreshing reading experiences of others with similar feelings of anxiety and are able to share their stories on a forum like this. The fear of being tagged a pshyco, or a threat has prevented me from seeking theropy unsure of the reaction someone what have if I have to be graphic. For me this started about 3 years ago with the birth of my son and now with the birth of my daughter, what I thought were fading nightmares are back. I have come to a conclusion which help me to deal with my deranged thoughts, In some weird way I feel my mind places these images of horror as a defense to protect my children from hazards my mind takes to another level. When I see these images in my head its usually about my children, horific images of harmful acts or even death has escalated to include perversion. I'm shameful to even write this in detail if not for the other stories I've read. One thing I know about myself, is I'm a good person, a good husband and a great dad! I would never hurt anyone let alone my family. I feel for anyone who has to battle with the constent reminder of the animals we can be. I can't help but think of the criminals that actually commit these crimes. Am I any better? The answer is convincingly yes, because you and I have never acted on these thoughts. Though, I can't halp but wonder what is the trigger, and how can I avoid it. I'm not an educated person, I actually tried to research this a bit but didn't get too far. Did Jefferey Domer, Son of Sam or anyone of the criminal minds out there suffer the same thoughts. Its a back and forth fear I think we all share, but at least we're conscience about what this is and have acknowledge this as wrong and twisted which is probably the difference. You know, I feel better just writting about it. I hope you do too.

best .......