View Full Version : Dilemmas/Money worries

31-03-06, 09:24
Maybe there should be a a Dilemmas Forum on here? When I first became ill I got in a terrible mess with money and, because of my desperation, my ethics went out of the window and I literally begged, borrowed and stole to try and get myself out of trouble. I really couldn't see the wood for the trees and made some bad decisions out of panic that got me into deeper trouble and made me doubt myself.

I'm writing because I've stupidly got myself into a similar situation. I don't really know how, because we've been living on the bare minimum and trying to pay debts off.

This month I was expecting some shares that I have sold to be included in my monthly pay packet as my car tax, MOT and insurance are all due! The share money hasn't arrived in time and, as I was £500 over my overdraft limit before I got paid, I'm practically broke again.

I'm trying to claw back £160 from a credit card and the last £40 of our savings as, not only do I need to pay out for the car, but I owe £120 board and £140 for a loan immediately.

I put some money in a pension a while ago and then froze it, I'm going to try and get that back and my fiancee gets paid in 10 days, so we'll have to try and get along til then somehow.

Every seventh week I get a week off work with pay and that has been this week. I really, really hate my job and I've been going home early and booking days off to work back at another time- I've ended up owing them 130 hours! So, I've been in this week and reduced it by about 30 hours. I went for an interview for another job last week and i was quite confident of getting it. I've been waiting all week to hand my notice in, in which case they would take the hours that I owe out of any money due back to me in wages, shares and pension. I didn't get the job.

I thought this morning that I could have worked for an agency over my leisure week and I would have been paid for it next week.

I've thought about resigning from my job anyway to get my benefits back, but that would no doubt create more problems than it solves.

I've thought about what I can sell. I'm considering selling something on ebay that I can purchase later if I can drag the deal out for a couple of weeks.

I guess the sensible/logical thing to do is:
*take my car for an MOT on Tuesday, the earliest date that I can get it in and see what work needs doing, if any. I've also got an interview on Tuesday, which is causing added stress.
*Talk to my creditors and try to reach an agreement
*Try to cash in my pension
*Keep looking for a more suitable job
*Get my Insurance and Road Tax sorted at the earliest possible opportunity. Probably even take the car off the road for a week

I know that's what I should do, but I'm sure I'll get pushed into using the car by my fiancee. Or my gran will start asking why my car is off the road and I won't want to tell her because she might moan at me, think less of me or try and give me money. That's me being passive again, isn't it? That's why I am the way I am.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.

31-03-06, 13:07
Hi there

I think you are being unnecessarily hard on yourself when it is very easy to get into these kinds of difficulties. I have had financial problems which escalated from when I was made redundant and struggling to live on benefits.

Finally I resorted to the drastic action of selling my house and moving into rented accommodation to get out of the mess but it is still taking a while to resolve some of this situation.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">I guess the sensible/logical thing to do is:
*take my car for an MOT on Tuesday, the earliest date that I can get it in and see what work needs doing, if any. I've also got an interview on Tuesday, which is causing added stress.
*Talk to my creditors and try to reach an agreement
*Try to cash in my pension
*Keep looking for a more suitable job
*Get my Insurance and Road Tax sorted at the earliest possible opportunity. Probably even take the car off the road for a week</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
Sounds logical. You will need to declare the car as being off the road and not use it if you cannot tax and insure it straight away. I've just had to fork out for MOT, service and Tax in the same month and it helps even less when the car tax has gone up so much.

Have you considered getting some advice from the Citizens Advice Bureau? If you are having problems keeping up payments with your creditors they can negotiate on your behalf. I have used their services and it took a lot of the stress away from having to deal with the companies myself.

I hope you manage to get this sorted.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

Ma Larkin
31-03-06, 13:26
I've been in the same situation as you. I ended up losing my home, probably could have sorted something out but I was unhappy there anyway. They can't have what you haven't got mate. If the worst comes to the worst let them take you to court, when the magistrates see your finances they'll ask you for a reasonable amount every month. Its as simple as that. Its not worth all this worry. My childminder had her house re-possessed 15 years ago, she owed £30,000 to the building society. They caught up with her only 2 years ago and she pays £5 a month!! Just write to the companies & offer them what you can afford, at least then you've made an effort to show them that you are willing to pay them back. I had to get rid of my car last year. I am a single parent with 3 kids, work full-time, & all my family live in Bolton & Halifax so you can imagine how hard it is for me now as I live in Manchester. We all think we can't manage without a car. It thought it was my lifeline, but apart from the weekly shop, I haven't missed it one bit, & I've saved a fortune on MOT, tax & insurance.

I really would go to the Citizens Advice Bureau if I were you and don't forget to get a SORN if you can't afford to pay for your car at the moment. You'll need to have it parked off-road or it'll get towed, causing more expense to get it back. In our town, if a car on the road is un-taxed it gets crushed!! That's how bad it is.

You need some debt advice to alleviate the worry, its pointless robbing Peter to pay Paul. Its a vicious circle & there is all the advice out there that you need.

Hope things start to look up soon.
