View Full Version : Citalopram

08-02-11, 16:20
Hi, I have been on citalopram for 18 days, without too many side effects. I was initially on 10mg for 14 days and then the doctor told me to take 20mg, which I did. I was wondering how long it will take for the meds to get in my system and if you have to wait for the jump in doseage to kick in. Iv only been on 20mg for 4 days and I know it takes time to work but yesterday I felt fine but today I feel down again ?

09-02-11, 13:53
Should be about 2 weeks as well I'm afraid. :(

10-02-11, 10:25
Hi there, give the new dose at least 2 weeks, see how you go. And try not to worry..I know, easier said than done, about having a blip day, we all get them, it doesn't mean you are not doing ok on the meds. I have been on Cit for 4 months, 20mg to start with, didn't help, but 25mg is working, its all trial and error. There is a Citalopram board, please feel free to post in there as well for support. xx
