View Full Version : Anxious about someone sneezing

08-02-11, 18:22
I was having my physiotherapy yesterday morning and someone in the room sneezed, they were standing next to the door so I had to walk past about 5 minutes later.

I am now worried they had some sort of flu type thing, I used Dr. Google :( and read up on incubation periods, says around 2 days for flu and up to 4. I have been anxious since I walked out of the room :(

My girlfriend says if someone has flu they are not going to be doing physio, they may have a cold or have just finished flu/a cold then do physio but even then its not as contagious. I cant seem to find anything about that on Google so now im unsure.


08-02-11, 18:26
People sneeze all the time. Doesn't mean they have/ had flu/ cold. Even if you do come down with something I'm sure it won't be a big deal. Listen to Your girlfriend s
she's said the right thing

macc noodle
08-02-11, 19:25

Know where you are coming from on this one - I hate people sneezing around me - apart from anything else is is just dirty to let your germs fly around - absolutely hate it - my husband laughs at me (but still catches his sneezes in a tissue anyway)!!

I especially hate it on public transport or in public places - but what they hey, it is not as bad as spitting (another pet hate - think of all the germs in spit)......................

So you see, you are not the only one!

Also, did you know that you don't catch colds from sneezing - apparently it is not an airborne virus! (I don't know where I heard this useless piece of information but it amazed me).


09-02-11, 17:52
still really anxious about this, took my ear temp and it was 37.2