View Full Version : Citalopram?

08-02-11, 20:26
Ive been prescribed Citralopram as i did the depression test at the doctors and he said i scored high. Ive not started taking it yet. I think i had mild depression a while after my baby was born, i saw my doctor but was told i was fine and didnt need any medication. Not long after this i started to become anxious about going out, id get restless, snappy, have to keep going to the toilet.
Over christmas i had a chest infection, i was given Antibiotics just before new years eve, i took these and finished the course like my doctor said.
Since having my chest infection i keep getting an achey feeling in the centre of my chest, i mainly get this at night, or when im stressed. I also feel like i cant breathe properly - even though my breathings fine. This makes me feel worried, anxious, panicky & I wasnt sleeping properly because of this.
Ive seen my doctor god knows how many times since being given antibiotics, they`ve listened to my chest and said its clear everytime, ive had blood test for full blood count and to check for swelling, which came back normal, ive had heart rate checked twice and blood pressure checked three times again all normal.
Ive been back again to see my doctor as i get out of breathe quickly (have always had this problem, but its got worse since my chest infection) ive been given a blue ventolin inhaler, and seen the asthma nurse, who said from what ive said it sounds like i may well have asthma, which could of been caused by the chest infection making my chest weaker.
But i just cant help but panic when my chest starts aching, sometimes when i go to bed i start feeling panicky even if my chest isnt aching. All sorts of things go through my head, ive tried telling myself that theres nothing wrong and its all in my head, but its not working. Ive even found myself checking for rashes, swelling, etc...
Im wondering if this health anxiety? rather than depression?
Feel like im going mad :meh:
Im just wondering if Citalopram helps? Any experiences/advice would be great!
Thank You!!

08-02-11, 21:34

I,ve been on cit for over three weeks , like you i didn,t know if i had health anxiety or depression , when i look back i had both . It takes time for the tabs to work , but there worth takeing as i,m feeling much better now .

08-02-11, 21:41
thank you, been told to take them for 3 weeks then see my doctor again so will see how i get on with them - fingers crossed they help me to! x

08-02-11, 21:47

Have a read of this ......Not everyone gets side effects with them , but if you do they soon dissapear , at least you will know what they are :D


08-02-11, 21:57
Thanks :) will have a look at that now x