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08-02-11, 21:09
does anyone overcome feelings of loneliness?

09-02-11, 06:53
The only way i make it tame a little for a while is to bury myself in a supernatural book, you can be somewhere else for a while and not think about it. But i tend to be lonely 90% of the time xx

09-02-11, 07:52
After working with the elderly, i used to look after a woman who was physically housebound, she lived alone, had lots of family, but was never too enthralled when they visited her.

She used to say to me, " i live alone but i am not lonely" she constantly read books and used to take herself into her own little world reading them.

Since moving away from my own family and friends and feeling lonely myself at times, i try and read alot or listen to music and remember how she loved her own company, this probably won't help you at all but i just thought i'd share this as i found it incredible that this lady actually did love being alone without feeling lonely.

Loneliness can be terrible to some people, do you have any friends that could visit you at all or you them, or is there a hobby you have always wanted to take up?

di xx

paula lynne
09-02-11, 09:16
As an agoraphobic, (recovering), lonelyness was almost as bad as the illness. I started doing flowers arrangements, and have started an online course, Im actually making money from this hobby. I also go out twice a month with friends, to the cinema, or for a meal. What interests you? Join a group where you'll find like-minded people. Single holidays are widely available these days, even a weekend away.
Go out and just start casual conversations in everyday situations, you never know what it could open up for you. Good luck x

10-02-11, 12:04
I'm lonely but I'm not alone. I go out to a class three times a week, but I don't have any real friends at all. :( I've no-one I can really talk to in person or just get a hug from (apart from hubby).