View Full Version : anxious for other people now! :(

08-02-11, 21:26
hiya all

i feel silly writing this one, but i need to get it off my chest before i go nuts...

my son (17) has been with his girlfriend (first) for 6 months now and are always together, they are very close but tonight she split with him over something really trivial and he is just in pieces.
my son is a quiet lad and to see him so upset has sprung anxiety over me, im so worried about him, that he will do something stupid or just wont be able to get over it or i just dont know :( you would think it was me who has split with someone as im upset, my heart is aching and pounding and i feel shaky all over. I just cant bear to see him so upset
I havnt shown any anxiety to him and ive managed to calm him down a bit but im still feeling anxious and so very worried. im terrifed and i cant understand why :(
can anyone help me here


08-02-11, 21:50
Hi hun

Don't feel silly its natural to worry he's your son and to see him suffering and been upset will obviously upset you cause all kinds of emotions. I have been in a similar situation but with my brother and it really is heartbreaking. Just be there for him which I'm sure you will be anyway let him have his space and be there for him when he wants/needs to talk or pour his heart out its all you can do. He's lucky to have such a caring mum:) xxx

08-02-11, 22:39
thank you sammi x