View Full Version : Acid problems

08-02-11, 22:56
All day & since last night, I have been feeling really off with burning acid, mainly in my upper chest, throat area. I have tried everything and its not getting better. I keep being sick and its just pure acid. My throat feels like it has been burnt. I look a strange colour too :huh:
It is not to do with anything that I ate, because everything I had was quite plain. I just woke up with it. I don't usually get this. I have probably given myself an ulcer!!!
Has anyone got any ideas for how to make this go away. I have tried antacids and Rennies, plus yoghurt.
I can't eat because when I eat even a tiny bit of anything, it just makes it worse. :lac:

08-02-11, 23:01
Have you tried milk?

08-02-11, 23:07
Hi Nikk
How are you? No, have not tried milk....I suppose its the most obvious thing too :blush:...will try some even though I hate plain milk.
I am glad you replied as I was just about to Google :lac:

08-02-11, 23:24
Not sure if you`ve tried it but i swear by chamomile tea it works great for me

08-02-11, 23:28
I am ok thanks

Milk may work - it does with me Poppy and may settle the acid.

Others have said it never helped them so please don't hold me to it lol

08-02-11, 23:37
Have you tried ranitidine (Zantac) or domperidone (Motilium)? Both are available over the counter at Boots and might really help.

Apart from that Milk of Magnesia is worth a go but you said you had tried most antacids.

What colour is it?

08-02-11, 23:46
I,d try what uk 23 has recommended . I,d also take a trip to the docs , i,m just thinking about when my mum had it come on very quick it was gall stones (its probably just acid reflux) but worth a trip to the docs for a diagnonsis and proper meds . My mum went a funny colour aswell something to do with a gall stone in her bile duck . All sorted out now , and i,m probably way off the mark and its just acid reflux but i feel a trip to the docs after trying the otc stuff is needed if that doesn,t work .

09-02-11, 00:03
You will have to check at the pharmacy to see what you can take with Citalopram Poppy .I get a lot of acid indigestion due to Cit .Maybe the increase you have been taking has caused this .Worth going to the Dr I would think .I used to take Zantac before I went on cit bu I just take Pepermint antacids from Tesco now ,They are better than Rennies .Mint tea can help and also Charcoal tabs .More natural if you prefer that .Hope you get it sorted .T/c Sue x

09-02-11, 12:47
Hi everyone
Thanks for all your helpful replies and suggestions. :)
I agree Suzy - Rennie's did nothing - but they were really old ones. Maybe it is because of the increase in Cit, that made me have the acid. I will try the peppermint antacids from Tesco.
Thanks for the other suggestions. I will get some chamomile tea to try, because that is supposed to be a calming tea isn't it?
I tried the milk, and that did help - Thanks Nic. I don't normally drink milk on its own because I hate the taste, but it did help. It just got rid of the burning pain.
I ended up Googling! - OMG! I went from acid reflux to gallstones to cancer of the oesphagus :lac: I ended up looking at pics of gallstones too and sat up until 2am Googling! :whistles: I never knew gallstones could get so big!:scared15:
I woke up this morning and feel lots better. I still look a bit strange lol
I have not eaten yet, but will do later. If I get how acid that bad again, then I will see my gp, because it was really bad.
Thank You again for being so lovely in replying :hugs:

09-02-11, 13:08
Hi Poppy C, Just a word about acid reflux. I have it too. I take Zantac.Only when it gets too bad. I think you need to go to the docs to rule out an ulcer Can be treated with tablets if that is the case.Milk heps too,but be carefull don't want to mask over the problem -if you know what I mean .Take care

09-02-11, 23:02
Hi Nellie
Thanks for your reply and suggestion.
I think I may make an appointment with my gp, because the acid has started happening again, and I feel so sore on the inside just at the top of my chest.
I felt better this morning, but then this afternoon, it started to come back again.
I am worried though that my gp, may get annoyed because, I am going to see him about it, when I have only had it now for a couple of days. It is sore and painful though.
Will let you know how I get on.

macc noodle
09-02-11, 23:10

You should NEVER EVER worry about the docs getting annoyed because you choose to see them when you are in pain.

I do think that sometimes it is all to easy for these docs. to take one look at our notes and think "oh yes, here comes the woman with anxiety, wonder what's wrong this time"
so don't ever feel bad about going to the docs - we have a right to be treated just as if we didn't suffer from HA/Anxiety/Panic whatever and our symptoms treated.

If, on the other hand, you feel relaxed enough about it to leave it and see what happens - I don't think that will do you any harm either as it does sound like a really bad case of acid reflux.


10-02-11, 00:12
I tried the milk, and that did help - Thanks Nic. I don't normally drink milk on its own because I hate the taste, but it did help. It just got rid of the burning pain.

It always seems to help me Poppy so glad you were able to drink it despite hating it lol