View Full Version : At long last

08-02-11, 23:14
15 years down the line they have finally diagnosed what i was trying to tell them about all the time.
massive weight off my shoulders but a long way to go still.
hi folks hope i can be of some help in the future.tex

paula lynne
08-02-11, 23:25
Glad you got your diagnosis, whatever it was. Onwards and upwards now! Good luck x

08-02-11, 23:44
a proffesional diagnosis with a title is all iv'e ever been after.
iv'e been bipolar 1&2 schizo just plain depressed and god knows what else they write down in their little books.
still on the meds and another good few therapy sessions to go.but at least my condition has been recognised.
take care all,there is a road out of this hell i promise you.

Nigel H
09-02-11, 18:05
I was wondering how that helps you .... what does the diagnosis 'give' you that was missing before?

Is it PTSD related at all ...

I'd be interested to hear your story a bit more if so ...


16-02-11, 20:44
Hi Texel.

Glad you got your diagnosis :)

Nigel, a diagnosis from a professional gives you affirmation that you aren't going mad, I would have thought, just my opinion is all.

anyhow, hope all is going well for you texel

Lynnann :flowers:

24-03-11, 21:27
That's great. I really want a diagnosis too.