View Full Version : This is starting to ruin my life!!!

08-02-11, 23:15
Good evening everyone,

Firstly i would like to say what a absoulte life saver coming across this page is..... a little about myself....I am a confident person who works in a customer facing job and have never had any self confidence problems ever...my real problem is this health anxiety...

Every single day there is something else wrong with me, ive been diagonsed with a acid reflux/ GERD but i cannot ever seem to accept anything my doctor tells me, the real biggest problem is google for me but its now as deept rooted as i cant even watch casulty on tele or if a ambulance goes past it makes me feel terrible if someone else is ill im pretty much nailed on to get all the symtomps... its starting to ruin my life, i have had about 8ecgs had my bp taken several times had blood tests everything and no one can find anything wrong, but im convinced i need more tests to get sorted, i cant do anything about it and its really scaring me, i am overweight now and i want to excersise but i cant because im worried i have a heart problem. i know in my head this is all rubbish but for some reason i cannot tell my brain that. i used to smoke and i woke up one day and never smoked again so i know i have the willpower to get over stuff, but i just cant get over this. i dont expect a miracle cure i just maybe need some resurance i dont know...this thinking i have heart diease is ruining my life

Thanks for listening!

macc noodle
08-02-11, 23:23
Hi needshelp,

Welcome to NMP - I am sure that you will find lots of help here and friendly advice.

You know the first thing you have to do - is stop visiting Dr Google - he is an evil harbinger of doom and will always make you feel far worse by the time you have finished with him than when your started!!!

I know where you are coming from - I hate the sound of ambulances, feel faint when even visting people in hospital and don't get me started on Holby City and Casualty - a big no no and almost guaranteed to trigger off chest pains!

I too am overweight and worried about the health consequences of this - especially now I am getting older!

Having had all those tests and check ups and no one can find anything wrong I would say that it is a pretty safe bet you are suffering from health anxiety and the more you worry the worse it gets. You are not alone - I have suffered for many years but to be honest with the help of CBT have managed to keep it under control for the past 15 years but had a resurgence of it over the last 12 months - caused I believe by the onset of the menopause and the hormonal impact on my anxiety. However, after a grotty period of permanently having this and that (all terminal of course :)), I am now back in a period where I have virtually conquered it again - yes I have good days and bad days but I know I am not dying of anything and I do have the awareness to use the strategies I was taught way back when to stave off the panic and anxiety (or, of course, i can just let it wash all over me and feel like pooh again but I refuse to let it beat me).

I am sure you dont have heart disease hun - have you tried asking the doc. for some counselling ?



08-02-11, 23:31

Welcome to the forum:)

I know exactly how you feel about the fear of a heart problem, I've been where you are now and its awful. I tried everything and CBT was the only thing to work for me I now live a 90% anxiety free life.

Oh don't get me wrong I still sometimes think I have a heart problem but I can now talk myself out of the idea and after a million ecgs bloods stress test chest xrays etc etc I should be 100% covinced but that 10% still thinks heart problem but this time last year I'd of said 100% I have a heart problem I was seriously that bad.

If you had something wrong with your heart my gp says an ecg would pick it up so I hope that's of some comfort. X

08-02-11, 23:33
thank you very much for taking the time to reply to me, i have tried the doctors the issue with that is because im only 24 they are not really taking me seriously plus theres a couple more tests i want to have done for my piece of mind....i dont need them i shouldnt think but i cant get over them

08-02-11, 23:35
thank you sammi dr google told me otherwise on the ECG! but it does give me alot of comfort knowing im not the only one thank you!

macc noodle
08-02-11, 23:37
Hey needs help - what other tests do you want doing?? You seem to have had plenty already and the professionals cannot find anything wrong with you - what do you think they might have missed?

Your recovery from anxiety has to start with believing that it is the anxiety causing the problem and not a physical cause.

You really do need to go back to the doc and ask for a referral - why should you wait until you are older for help - does not make sense - why should you waste your twenties feeling poop because of anxiety - go back and let them know how you are feeling and ask to see a counsellor asap.

macc noodle
08-02-11, 23:39
No more Dr Google!!

08-02-11, 23:39
I have googled and been told to diall 999 because I'm dying, stay away from dr google he will make you feel 100 times worse:) x