View Full Version : Problem with my ribs... anyone else have this?

09-02-11, 00:32
I noticed yesterday that my ribs on the right are different... they dip in quite considerably! my left side are normal but the right is far from normal... I don't know how long it's been like this, I only noticed it yesterday whilst holding my stomach due to stomach pains! Anyone else have this?

09-02-11, 09:17
Hi, I suffer from back problems and last year I decided to go to a back clinic, I was reffered to see an osteopath. My ribs on my left side at the back seemed to bulge and was very tender to touch it turned out that I had 3 dislocated ribs! this is not serious and after a few treatments they were sorted, its just painful and can be caused by anything even coughing. I work in care so my job is physically demanding so I go back once every 6 weeks just to keep on top of my back problem, I know its hard when you suffer from anxiety but try not to worry x