View Full Version : Awful diarreah, cant stop going today. tmi

09-02-11, 00:52
i get diareah alot, dont know if i have ibs or not, havent spoken to the doctor about it. (im agoraphobic and social phobic so its a huge scary difficult thing to do so).

I got stomach cramps about 4pm today, i went to the toilet and had about 3 lots of it come out in one "sitting", it was painful but i thought that would be the end of it, the panic went away.
Then a few hours later it happened again, and again, ad again...

its got to the point where its basicly just water coming out, its really really paniful, and that pin pricky feeling where it comes out.
Ive just been to the loo again for a wee, but more diareah just "slipped" out, without me even needing to try. when i wiped there was abit of blood, i think its just because ive been so many times.

ive never had it so bad, i'm really worried.

ive looked into getting immodium tablets but they warn you if your taking them for diareah which you think is ibs you must be diagnosed by the doctor. and also you cant take them if you get it alot.

im on my own tonight and tomorow night as my parner is workig, i know i need to keep calm but i cant help but panic and cry.

i dont think its a bug as i dont feel sick and dont have a feaver,

any advice or reassurance would be much appreciated. thank you

09-02-11, 01:40
Hi Miss_Moose, if you're really worried you could phone NHS Direct and ask for advice. Otherwise I'd suggest you really should phone your doc (I'm currently having stomach probs myself so I know how nasty it is) :hugs:

09-02-11, 08:10
I had this last week it was horrible :blush: i would wake up with terrible stomach cramps and that was it i alos had blood i thing it may been a stomach bug as other people round me had it ! i still get a bit of morning cramping but not as bad.

I am now suffering with piles !!

09-02-11, 08:20

It sounds like a bug to me. You can have just diahorrea without feeling sick when it's a bug. I would perhaps see how you are today and if it's still the same give your GP a call.

K xx

09-02-11, 20:27
Thank you all so much for your advice. Today my tummy (and bottom) have still been feeling sore and fragile, but i havent had diarreah since about midnight, so im hoping that is the last of it.
If it was a bug wouldnt i have had diareah again today?

09-02-11, 21:06
It could have been something you ate , a 24 hour bug or just an upset stomach . We,ve all had it at some time :weep:

If you eat anything , start off with dry (ish) toast . When i,ve had this before i made the mistake of eating to much straight away as soon as i felt better which was a big mistake .

Sounds like its on its way out what ever it was :yesyes: