View Full Version : Very Worried - been googling again

Jamie C
09-02-11, 02:07

Since this really bad viral infection i had back in december i seem to have somewhat a slight decline in smell, i can still smell things fine most time but i just noticed it the otherday.. i can smell things but it seems like my anxiety is blocking it? i dont normally notice this untill i think.. can i smell that? or can i smell this? and it some what is weird because its like my mind is blocking it... i do still feel abit bunged up and still have lots of phlegm coming up... (nice..) so i assume its cos off the viral / sinus infection i had?? or perhaps my minds fooling me about it?? anyone else had it.. cos i googled loss of smell and well... result = freak the eck out :(

Cheers Jamie C

Jamie C
10-02-11, 11:00

I figured out it was something to do with my sinuses because i'm always feeling blocked up, so after alot of panicing yesterday about things that don't exsist and the cat being unwell i kinda lost my rag alittle and now for some reason i keep twitching and getting mucle spasm's... is this sometthing else i have to worry about??

comment's always welcome

Cheers Jamie C

10-02-11, 11:16
I'm new here, but I have been having twitching and muscle spasms probably forever, but its only the last yr that I've been worried about them and everyone I ask says they are normal. My friends have them too, but I guess people without health anxiety just dont pay attention to them. They are very, very rarely due to anything sinister... and if they were you would have many other symptoms. There is a diagnosis that most people get who complain about them and it is called "benign fascilation syndrome" or something, but the name says it all, it is totally benign. No worries!

Jamie C
10-02-11, 21:50

Thanks very much for the reply, its stupid because it's been really bad tonight.. worrying alot if not too much :(
will have to go see the dr again this week..
