View Full Version : Family friend had a Heart Attack! =(

09-02-11, 02:42
Hey guys.

I'm in such a mess right now. I've been feeling like crap these past few days. I've been having nasty palps with a tight feeling under my left chest with back pain and a buzzing feeling in my chest and it's been jsut plain awful.

I've also been having mini panic attacks that have been driving me off the wall.

Anyways I just found out that my cousin's aunt who is fairly young(early 50's) and a vegetarian for crying out loud had a heart attack.

She was chopping some vegetables and the bad smell apparently made her nauseaous and she started to vomit. This somehow caused a heart attack and she's stable but it's just so weird cuz she's a very healthy person and she eats very well.

This has me absolutely terrified cuz she now needs open heart surgery.

I know I sound very selfish right now but I can't help it cuz I feel like I'm gonna have one with these pains and palps. Thanks for listening guys.:weep::weep::weep:

09-02-11, 06:39
Aww hugs xx I wish her a speedy recovery xx I think what we need to remember is that these things can happen to anyone at anytime healthy or not an its not just heart attacks its any medical condition! The thing is we can't predict these things so why worry about what might be? I spent far too long worrying about what might be that now I've moved forward it feels quite liberating letting go of the fear!
I understand your worry honeyan its only natural to be concerned just don't let it overwhelm you!

Love xx claire xx

09-02-11, 13:13
Yeah it happened to my family friend few years ago, he was a healthy and fit man. He passed away in his sleep (sorry for saying this - hope it doesn't make you scared), it was really sudden. He was also in his 50s. It turned out that he had a heart attack while sleeping. It was a huge shock to all of us. I don't know why the doctors keep saying that you must eat well and exercise regularly but fit people do pass away for no reasons. It did scare me for a while back then.

Starry xx

09-02-11, 13:19
Doctors give this advice because it is the best way to prevent heart problems..it would be irresponsible not to!

Of course there are always rare cases where seemingly healthy people pass away but they are just that..rare.

PS. I should also mention that many people have heart attacks and survive including Nic who runs this site and my own hubby. What you can be sure of is that if you have had numerous tests as I believe the opening poster has, you can be sure any abnormality would have been picked up by the ECG.

10-02-11, 01:36
To be honest, it's quite getting common for fit people to pass away sudden. I have heard of some stories from other people. It's quite scary. I am not worried about my heart - I am just saying that fit and healthy people can pass away suddenly. I am sure that the ECG will pick up some abnormality of some kind. I am aware that people with heart attacks do survive but some people do pass away unforuntely.

Starry xx

10-02-11, 10:53
Hi Mark

I am sorry to hear this news. It is always shocking to hear of someone young having a heart attack.

As Ladybird said, I had a heart attack at the young age of 42 (2 years ago now).

I go to a cardiac exercise class now and a guy there had a heart attack and he was not overweight, he had never smoked, hardly touched alcohol and said he ate healthily.

We just don't know why these things happen to us sometimes.

I assume she is having a by-pass operation?

Please try not to compare what happens with others to what will happen to you as there is no comparison.