View Full Version : What is wrong with me !!

09-02-11, 03:21
Hi everyone

Let me first apologise if this thread goes on a bit but I am at my wits end :unsure:. I have suffered anxiety and all of its horrible side affects etc for many many years. However, whatever i'm going through at the minute has me bewildered, baffled and scared out of my wits :scared10:.
I know that I am peri-menopausal at the minute and I never dreamed that would compound and make things worse. I feel like i'm losing the plot. I am constantly muzzy headed, can't concentrate and feel like i'm panicking over everything, even when I have no idea what i'm panicking over. I feel like i'm constantly in a dream state and don't feel real and I get scared that I am just going to lose my mind. Also my eyes have now started to go blurry and watery. If its not one thing its another. I have had a couple of people tell me its hormonal etc but I'm so scared its going to get worse :shrug:. I'm still getting the usual symptoms that scare me (missed beats etc) but it this spaced out feeling. Its like i've reverted back to years ago when i first started with the panic, anxiety etc.
Sorry about the rant, its very hard to put into words how i'm feeling. Anyone else feel like this during peri?:confused:

thanks guys

09-02-11, 03:50

If you search depersonalization too , you'll finds it's very common.

I think what has happened is your anxiety is worse due to the hormones, also I guess a lot of your symptoms are new for you, which makes them scary too.
I hate new symptoms too.

Just before my period m anxiety gets so much worse and I find myself feeling rather depressed, So I know an change in hormones can really affect you.

I know my mothers anxiety got worse when she went through the menopause, I think the HRT helped a bit.

I know the spaced out feeling way too well, and the feeling like scared , almost terrified but for no reason.

Are you getting any treatment at the moment for the anxiety?

I'm sure others will reply soon to your post
It's mainly UK people here, and it's almost 4 am too.

Sorry to hear your going through a stressful time at the minute.

09-02-11, 04:52
Thankyou so much for your reply. I think you hit the nail on the head. I am not getting treatment for the anxiety at the minute but do have a great counsellor i can speak with so i will go and see her.

Thanks once again, this is such a fantastic site for encouragement and support.

Take care

09-02-11, 10:25
Hi Tracy I too am perimenopausal and have been for past 5 years with wonky bleeding etc etc and the list of weird symptoms is unbelievable.

My latest one is getting a horrible falling sensation as I fall asleep - I can have it badly for weeks then okay for weeks. I have been tested for all sorts even had brain scan and adrenal tumour test and all fine. My panic was getting out of hand with this symptom I honestly thought I was going mad.

Just last week my GP said I wonder if this is one of those weird hormonal symptoms of menopause - he said he gets women with all sorts of strange experiences that can't be explained and I said thats all a health anxiety sufferer needs and he laughed.

I also have had two ovarian cysts in last two years. The first one went away itself after 6 months but I had to endure a mri scan to make sure it was def benign and now I have another one on the other ovary which is small so just need repeat ultrasound next month but if its not gone or is bigger then off we go again for more tests.

09-02-11, 14:57
I can concur with all this - perimenopause is a big pile of poo.

I really didn't want to end up on HRT but I had to give in as I was getting dozens of hot flushes every day, along with palpitations, dizziness, trembling, feeling faint, couldn't concentrate, blah blah blah. I also got terrible feelings of impending doom, to the extent I had a mega panic attack whilst driving and had to stomp about on the side of the road until I felt better.

Going peri also made my migraines about 10 times worse because of the drop in hormones. it accounts for all sorts of peculiar symptoms!!

09-02-11, 16:39
Hi what age can the perimenopause start? and how do you know if your going through it,do you need your hormone levels checked?.

09-02-11, 22:28
Peri can start in your middle to late 30's but usually in your middle 40's and can last up to 15 years!! this is what gyny told me. I had episodes of wonky bleeding like spotting between periods etc in my late 30's but then had 5 years where everything was back to normal but when I hit 44 yrs old I started to get the missed periods sometimes for months on end and then would get constant bleeding for up to 3 months at a time with flooding etc. I also had hot flushes on and off as well and developed ovarian cysts.

I had all the tests( gyny ones like hysteroscopy, mri scan ultrasounds etc) the ones the Dr can do blood wise are very unreliable as you can vary enormously day to day but the saliva hormone tests are the most reliable and this showed I was very oestragon dominant so I had choice of hysterectomy - mirena coil ( sythetic progesteron) or live with it but I saw private Dr and got natural progesterone cream which sorted out my constant bleeding and flooding but my cycle is still anything but regular.

I can see why people end up on HRT but because my mother died of breast cancer this is not an option for me as the last thing I need is more oestrogen!!

macc noodle
09-02-11, 23:05
WooHoo I am not alone.................................... :D

I too am perimenopausal (have felt like poo for best part of year now and feel old and knackered to be honest !!!! )

I had a massive resurgence of my HA last year which got seriously out of control and left me in absolute despair as I continued to plague my doctor with all my various "aches and pains" and "terminal illnesses". I was at rock bottom and actually made myself physically ill with it all but felt I had no control over it - all the strategies I had been taught whilst having CBT over 15 years ago went out of the window - it just overwhelmed me.

:)The good news is that having had a battery tests to prove there is nothing wrong with me (ha ha) I have reconciled myself to the fact that whilst my hormones are fluctuating these feelings of panic and anxiety are going to be with me for a while! :mad:

Litlle by little I have clawed my way back to being able to use some of the strategies and to ignore a lot of the physical symptoms which previously sent me into a tail spin :D

Onward and upward - God knows how long it will last but it was a really big shock to have it all come back after having been gone for so long - but my doc says it really is quite common.

At least we are all in the same boat and can have a good moan together girls.


09-02-11, 23:11

My anxiety/panic returned with a vengence when i was going through the menapause. I found this site very helpful and informative and at least it confirmed that i really was'nt going mad!!!


09-02-11, 23:23
Hi ladies

I think this is the first time I have asked a question on the HA forum! :blush:
But as you are all so knowledgable..:D I could do with some advice.

I'm 47 and have recently been experiencing something a bit strange. I am not having sweats or flushes as such but during the night, I am getting burning hot. No sweating just waking in the night feeling like my whole body is on fire..bedclothes get booted off and Im lying there in just nightie or jammy's.

Because of the birth control method I use (depo-provero, have been on this for about 15-16 years) I don't have periods so can't tell what is happening in that respect. :shrug:

Do you think its possible I might be either heading for or experiencing menopause?

Any advice welcome, ta :flowers:

09-02-11, 23:44
Good possibility there Angie ..Its how i was ,got worse tho lol .You can get blood test but sometimes its not conclusive .The joys of being a woman :whistles::mad:.I ended up having a small dose of HRT as things got really unbearable .only 1mg . Its been a godsend . I tried lots of things before ,like soya and red clover .They helped at first .Avoid spicey food and alcohol it can make it worse ..:lac:t/c Sue x

09-02-11, 23:51
Avoid spicy food..my reason for living? http://digilander.libero.it/faccinewub/w/1/surprise2.gifSue!! NOOO!!! http://digilander.libero.it/faccinewub/w/10/piange.gif

I didn't think the blood test would be possible because of the lack of periods..shows you how much I know. :shrug:

I'm not sure if I would want HRT..gosh I have got a lot to think about. I did speak to the practice nurse at some point last year and she said that I should stop the depo, have a coil put in, then my periods would come back and I would know what's what.

Yes of COURSE I want to go through all that palaver..not. Pfft :lac:

Stupid woman.

10-02-11, 00:15
:roflmao:Thought you'd say that about the food and drink :D..(Not much help really), tbh .My Dr said you need to know what your readings were before to get a correct blood test result .But it would give you an idea if you had one .You can even buy them in the supermarkets .You are around the age it all starts .It may take a while for it to get worse or it may stay the same .If you stop the Depo and have a Merena coil it will stop or reduce bleeding until its all over .:yesyes:Another blessing in disguise . .Its not that bad .HONEST ..:D a low dose HRT is nothing to worry about and has its benefits .Individual choice tho . luv Sue x

10-02-11, 00:21
Hi Everyone

thankyou all so much for your replies, gosh its amazing how many of us are going through this. Every new weird sensation i get i am just putting down to this dreaded peri. I don't fancy going on the HRT but who know what will happen and I may have to. My hot flushes are out of control (wouldn't be too bad if it meant i lost weight when i had them :winks:, at least something good would come out of it, but when i asked my doctor, she said unfortunately no thats not how it works, you actually put weight on :huh:. Great. My head is still feeling full of cotton wool and I can't concentrate for long and just feel like i want to sit home and not have to do anything but i work full time so not a possibility.
Anyway ladies, may we stay strong (i know we will). Take care everyone


10-02-11, 09:22

Yes - quite possibly.
The only way to be sure is to get your doc to do a blood test - I started at about your age.
