View Full Version : Very worried

09-02-11, 09:43

On and off since Dec I ahve had a feeling of a lump in the throat, like a pill or something is stuck.

Its becoming more frequent. I had it all day Fri, Sat and sun absolutely nothing on Mon, then I had it all day yesterday and now today :-(

I am trying to think of logical reasons for this. It started a few weeks after I started taking Fluoxetine so I thought maybe I wsnt taking enough water with the pill but now I drink loads with it.
I also seem to have a lot of mucus that drips to the back of my throat and I cant bring it forward to get rid of it so end up swollowing it - this is almost constant.

I am trying to be postive but my mind is telling mr its cancer and threre must be an actual lump. I am scared to discuss this with the dr as I have a fear of anything be put down my throat incase im sick - im emtophobic.

Anyone else have this. I know it can also be caused by anxiety but I have suffered for Health anxiety for years and have never had this.

Thanks for reading.


09-02-11, 10:23
Hi Laura
It sounds to me like you have post nasal drip! Did you have a cold before you noticed this, or do you have any allergies to dust or mould etc? I have had a post nasal drip for about a year, but i'm starting to get it under control with a neti-pot which washed your sinuses and nasal sprays. I got a cough too with mine and sometimes leaves me breathless. It can be linked to anxiety and also acid reflux.

It also started for me with the 'lump' feeling which i realise was mucus and then i actually saw it at the back of my throat - yuck! You don't need to suffer, get to the doctors, but it's nothing serious and nose sprays etc should help.

Take care
Amber x

09-02-11, 10:29
Hi Laura luv

Hey I have the exact same thing, my dr told me it was very common with stress/ anxiety and that it was stomach acid causing both the post nasal drip feeling and the lump inthroat feeling. Do you ever get indegestion/ reflux? Apparently you can have this sensation without any actual chest/tummy burning......

My dad also has been diagnosed with this at ENT by consultant. He called it something like ERD, appareantly it s like GERD but without pain of reflux.

Maybe the dr can answer wether this is what you have or wether its a postnasal drip, but seemingly postnasal drip can occur with the excess acid too because the body produces more mucous when there is too much stomach acid.

I hope your okay hun, this symptom is ssssssssssooooooo common and not weird and scarey I promise


09-02-11, 10:36

I posted about feeling like something was stuck in my throat last week but the feeling has gone now! For me I think I felt it once and because it was a new worrying sensation the HA in me made me feel like it was always there. As soon as I went on to worrying about something else (!!) I totally forgot about it and it went away! Amazing what our minds can do :ohmy:

K xx

09-02-11, 14:54
Same from me as well - I used to get it years ago, and remember once getting it for weeks on end (literally, about 6-8 weeks every day). In the end, the doctor put it down to indigestion and sorted me out with Gaviscon, which seemed to help. I suspect that I got mild heartburn and then got fixated on the sensation, which of course made the heartburn worse.

I think the main thing to remember is that if it comes and goes, it's unlikely to be anything serious.

15-02-11, 12:19
Thanks for all of your replies. Its still there, feels like a lump in my throat right at the bottom and pressure in my chest and back. I am really panicking about it now. Can't imagine it will ever go away. Hate it