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09-02-11, 11:18
Hi Everyone,

Not sure, if I have put this in the right area. I am feeling rather sad today, can't really believe its has been a year since we had to put our Kizzy down :( .

Not really sure why I have written this. Sorry.

Anita. :weep::weep:

09-02-11, 11:25
sorry to hear your sad going through this rough time. just a suggestion you could light a candle in your heart of rememberance of Kizzy. it just something that they do in another forum, I think it a brilliant idea. kind of helps in away.

sending you hugs. :hugs::hugs::hugs:

09-02-11, 11:47
Hi, Yvonne,

Aww thanks for replying its much appreciated and the hugs too.


09-02-11, 21:06
You have written this Anita because pets are a part of our family but we feel stupidly guilty for saying it! Us Brits love our pets but when it comes to grieving most people think that they should just 'Get over it'! Well, it's not easy and you never get over it and that's why you are sad.

Big hugs to you:hugs::hugs::hugs:on the first anniversary of losing Kizzy:hugs::hugs:Don't be embarassed or ashamed that you have feelings.

15-02-11, 10:21
Sorry to hear you are still so sad. We lost our lovely, very elderly, cat two weeks ago. She died of old age really and went in her sleep which was better than having to make a decision to have her put down. We are all still upset. My 15 year old got over it first, I've been up and down as I did all the vet runs and my hubby was in bits which suprised everyone, most of all himself.:weep:

15-02-11, 11:47
Sorry to hear you're feeling so down. I still miss my cat Gilbert who had to be put down when I was 12 because of a stroke, she was 19 and had had an excellent life, I still miss her though.
As long as you gave them a good life full of love that's an important thing, alot of animals don't get that chance so live in the knowledge that you provided such a good life for them.

That's the reason why I got my current cat Fudge, he has cat HIV so I know one day I may have to make a heart-breaking decision if his condition escalates. So I'm aiming to give him the best life he could possibly have.

Stay positive and big hugs :hugs:

15-02-11, 13:10
I am so sorry about your cat, Kizzy, passing away, a year ago and to all of you, who have lost pets.
The death of a pet is so heartbreakingly painful. For me it was the same as grief for a person.
I had my little cats ashes (he died just before christmas suddenly and was not even ill) returned to me from the pet crematorium, through the vets, and he now sits on the mantelpiece in his little wooden casket, with an ever flickering candle next to it - sounds tacky, but its not. Some people think it is morbid, but it has helped me so much. It is like he is still here, and I talk to him every day.
I think doing something in memory of your pet, in whatever special way you want to, helps such a lot.