View Full Version : Changing meds advice

09-02-11, 13:56
Hi I'm new! Just stumbled across this forum while searching for stuff about changing your meds. I've been on Citalopram (60mg) for ages now but it's not really helping so my doctor wants to switch me to Venlafaxine to see if that does any better. This is all good, but I'm terrified of the couple of days I'll be without anything, and then the two weeks it'll take for the new meds to kick in. I've got lorazepam to take if things get really bad but I can't take that all the time cause I need to go to uni and it practically knocks me out. So long run-on sentences aside, does anyone have any experience with this? How was it and what did you do?

09-02-11, 14:47
I've never changed from citalopram to venlafaxine, but some years ago I did change from Seroxat to citalopram, and I just went stright from one on to the other. I do remember feeling a bit queasy as my stomach got a bit upset by it, but other than that, it didn't seem to be too bad. However, I was on a lower dose, so I don't know whether that will make a difference.

09-02-11, 14:51
I have changed from citalopram to venlafaxine and as soon as I stopped the cit and went on venlaf I started to feel better. Venlaf acts quite quickly actually. I have tried all sorts of meds with disasterous consequences but venlafaxine has really helped me. Use your tranqs to help you if you get withdrawal though. Good luck

10-02-11, 20:45
That's really reassuring, thanks! I'm mostly worried about the transition period but I do have the lorazepam so fingers crossed...