View Full Version : almost a year since joining NMP!!

31-03-06, 12:53
hi everyone,

sorry i've been gone for so long!! i did try and make an effort to stay off here for awhile to 'get on with life' but I do think about you all often and I really wanted to come back to 'touch base'!!
hey, remember I had to finish my final year of uni last year due to panic/anxiety/depression? well I returned to finish the damn thing this year and the final 10 weeks seemed like eternity. but guess what? I finished it!! can you adam and eve it!!?!!! I can't.
All is not over as I have tonnes of revision for my finals in may but i feel i'm nearly home free now!! I've also been doing great guns at my job too, its been so hard doing uni and work but its been keeping me busy to say the least.
Life has been fine, I have had ups and downs like everyone else and infact i'm just coming out of a long blip and i was desperate to come on here but i really tried to do it myself and it seems i have.
I have talked about things that are bothering me, REALLY bothering me and not keeping it in, I have listened to my negative talking and tried to turn it round, this is so hard but after awhile it does begin to work and I have been going with the flow and knowing that it does get better. I have had fantastic days where I haven't even thought about it, so i know its possible. PA's do not scare me anymore, I woke up with one about a month ago and just lay there accepting it, and i fell asleep!! I just read Maxine's post and its true, they will NEVER hurt you. They will come but they wont kill you. ever.
I do still get stressed and i wonder oh god here it is again, but a life without stress? is there such a thing!?
my next big thing is a holiday to australia after my exams. i'm sure i'll be back on here! my fab GP assures me she will give me some pills that could have me skipping down the aisles of the plane! fingers crossed!!
I remember PIPS saying once that you are your own safe place, no matter where you are, so i'm holding on to that.
love you all guys and girls, I'll be back !!! (but in a good way!)

big big hugs,

"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

31-03-06, 14:20
Lis we joined within a week of each other and this is a lovely post to read.

I hope I have remembered it correctly about your mum going to Peru because I love that story!!!:D

Sooooo pleased that you are getting to grips with everything - well done mate.

Biggest hugs:D:D:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

31-03-06, 14:35
awww thanks piglet!!

yes you did remember correctly, my mum did go to peru and many other exotic places!! shes off to botswana and namibia this year, on her own of course! nutter!!

biggest hugs to you to.. and thank you for all your support so far!! I've really used and abused this website forum over the past year and i couldn't have got where i am today without the unfaltering support..


"do not fear to hope...Each time we smell the autumn's dying scent, we know that primrose time will come again"

31-03-06, 16:22
Hi Lisa,

So lovely to hear from you once more *and* to learn that you seem to have your life back. Also thanks for taking the trouble to post to show us all that we *do* come out of all this.

You've always had a positive attitude and this had doubtless helped you no end.

My therapist reminded me yestreday that a light bulb only ever shines when its stressed. Ones that aren't don't do anything.

Now just fly through those finals and have a fab time in Oz.:)



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

31-03-06, 17:08
Hi Lisa,:D

A BIG WELL DONE [Wow!] [Yes!] to you mate. You are doing so well I'm so pleased hun.

Good luck with your finals Lisa.

Keep that safe place inside you and you will be down under saying G'Day mate before you know it!!! ;)

Take care and all the very best.

Love & Wishes,

PIP'S [:X] X X X X

"Home Has No Magical Powers To Keep You Safe - Your Safe Place Lies Within Yourself"

31-03-06, 20:01
Well done & so good to hear all your lovely news too Lisa.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

31-03-06, 22:09
Lovely to read such a positive post.

Well done for everything you have achieved so far and good luck for the future.

Tammy x

31-03-06, 23:17
Hi Lisa

Great to hear from you again and well done for getting through the return to uni. You've made so much progress in this past year.

Good luck for the finals and the holiday sounds like something to really look forward to.

It is such a good sign that you don't feel the need to post here but is so helpful to others to be able to read these success stories.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey