View Full Version : Swollen glands

09-02-11, 15:38
I was just wondering if anyone else had noticed their glands swelling up when feeling run down and heavy? I get that physical heavy feeling a lot, like there's lead weights on every part of my body. It's more down my right side than my left, like my right side is dragging me down. I know it's not neurological or anything but the gland on the right-hand side of my neck swells up when it happens. My dentist has noticed it before as well and asked if I had a cold or anything but I've never got an infection. If I do, the only place I can think of is my ears, as my right ear often gets waxy when this happens.

Just wondered if there was any connection between anxiety and swollen glands or if any body else gets this? Makes me feel really tired and weak!

09-02-11, 16:16
when i am really over tired and run down my neck glands swell and are tight and tense. it's happened today cause i'm exhausted at the moment! nothing hardly ever materialises, just the swelling. i guess we are sensitive? just annoying and uncomfortable...my right side is always worse too. x

09-02-11, 17:50
my right side is always worse too

Weird. I wonder what's happening. Thanks for your reply.