View Full Version : Omeprazole and Metoclopramide Tablets

09-02-11, 15:48
I've been back to my GP today because of my ongoing stomach problems, excess burping, hiccups, flatulence etc. She is still sure I have a problem with acid reflux so has prescribed more Omeprazole and now the Metoclopramide too. I hate taking tablets and get very anxious over them, just wondered if anyone is taking them or has taken them and find they've helped.

If this doesn't work after a few months I have to have a camera investigate what's going on in my stomach which I'm just dreading.

I'm just really fed up of it as I've had it for a couple of years now. :weep:


09-02-11, 15:55
I was prescribed Omeprazole for what they thought was reflux problem but they did not help my own Doctor has said that he now thinks the route is Anxiety and Stress so has taken them off me.

However my Brother takes them and they work really well for him and I have heard other people say they work well.


09-02-11, 22:31
Don't worry if you have to have the camera just ask for maximum sedation and you won't know a thing.

Gps aren't allowed to leave you on drugs like omeprazole indefinitely without having a look see to make sure nothing nasty going on but its nothing to worry about - I have had it done 3 times for hiatus hernia and with max sedation I knew nothing!