View Full Version : Has anyone else felt like this?

becks xxx
09-02-11, 16:34
Past week or so i've really been having my low moments..
Roughly about a year ago if i never achieved something id hope to, id feel so disappointed in myself but now i feel like i can't be bothered with it anymore.. And everyone else e.g: family want me to overcome this more than i even do myself anymore. Has anyone ever felt like this?
Even tho i know deep down i don't wana be like this forever, nothing in me even can be bothered to fight it anymore, and i only keep trying every now and then cos i feel like im letting everyone else down if i don't. I'm so confused.
I started propranolol about 3 weeks ago, it hasn't helped at all, except slow my heart rate down. That's 1 symptom gone i suppose but with all the others i still feel no different.
Don't really know where im going with this lol...but has anyone ever felt like i said above? X

10-02-11, 15:58
Hi Becksxxx
I could be wrong buts it sounds like you could be a little depressed,i have felt simalar and was told i was! Maybe have a chat with your Gp.
ITs a shame when you feel you dont really enjoy doing the things we normaly enjoy.hope this helps,we can all have off days but if it drags on then sometimes advise from doctor will help. Holly:)

10-02-11, 16:15
I agree with chatterbox, you sound depressed, no motivation etc.
Go and talk to your GP and be honest about how you feel, if they are understanding they should help. It's horrible feeling that way so please try and get help for it.

10-02-11, 16:44
Maybe you're setting the bar far too high, and everything you do becomes overwhelming and seemingly unattainable as a consequence of your perfectionism. In this case it would help changing your attitude into making smaller steps, and break whatever it is you want to do or achieve up into small steps instead of one giant leap that is not likely to happen anyway because you're asking for too much.

You sound as though you're putting yourself under quite a bit of pressure, and I suppose the closeness to other people doesn't help in this respect. You are you, and no matter who other people around you are and what they want, you can only set your own goals and be yourself.

There are boundaries between ourselves and other people, and they are there for a reason: We are only responsible for our Self, and other people are responsible for themselves as well. Don't take the weight of the whole world on to your shoulders - there is no need for that. It only weighs you down and will make it so much more difficult to get where you want to be. Do your own thing and above all: Be kind to yourself! :)