View Full Version : Whats wrong with me

anx mum
09-02-11, 19:07
Sorry for another post hoping someone may b able to give me some advice really dont know where to turn. Been feeling low 2 weeks before xmas was pregnant and due on the 20th dec prior to this i was getting loads of viral infections which i couldnt get rid of. I was anxious about the birth as i was really tired and was worried how i cope thr labour had my little girl xmas eve although tired i was ok and happy i had little girl. Two weeks later was feeling more anxious and very tearful doc put me on mirtazapine 15mg doc thought they would make me sleep. Gradually my anxiety got worse felt exhasted and was tearful all the time. Felt eveyday a struggle getting kids ready then school run. Not long after developed physical symptoms had a horrible breathing feeling like my nose was pegged no air this symptom went on for days and is still with me:weep:. The next symptom was chest pain stabbing pains docs were concened incase a clot had developed as i had not long give birth was worried bout this as my mum had died from a blood clot. They gave me a blood test my di dimar was low they said v unlikly think deep down i was still worried. My anxiety carried on hated being on my own was scared pains and breathing continued. Rung ambulance many times and went to a nd e where they done ecgs, chest xrays, eventually they did a scan to check for a blood clot im glad to say it came bk normal i was so scared that day. After all that im still struggling today with chest pains and breathing still really anxious just dont know how to get better? Everday is a struggle and i hate living like this. Sorry for long post any advice wuld b good.

09-02-11, 19:53
Well it is anxiety plain and simple to be honest.

Re-read the First Steps website page on the left and go back to basics.

Do you remember when you posted on here every day for over 3 months with headaches ? What was it in the end as you just disappeared so I assumed they went.

This is similar. You are spending a lot of time focusing on these things but not doing much to help yourself.

You have to accept it is anxiety and start getting help for that.

Have you got the Claire Weekes books to read?

Why not join the No Panic telephone recovery group as well.

There are loads you can do but you have to do them and help yourself I am afraid - we can't do that for you sadly.

09-02-11, 20:07
Try some Relaxation each day Bev .You can buy some excellent cds from Amazon .You can find some interesting ones on You Tube .Meditation and relaxation will really help you .This and a combination of deepbreathing techniques ,where you breathe through your nose and out through your mouth, It will help with the problems and the Anxiety .It has to be done each day and more than once, until it has effect .It does work and is well worth persevering ..Gd lk t/c Sue x

09-02-11, 20:07
There comes a time when you have to help yourself, I am not a hard person but I dont believe the sympathy and empathy you get from this site help you at all.

Have you considered you may be suffering from Post Natal Depression which shows in health anxiety.

You DO NOT have a heart complaint, You have to start to be more positive you have a healthy baby and a family to focus on. Stop dwelling on this irrational fear and take small steps to feeling better it will take time.

10-02-11, 14:22
Hi Bev
I have just read Nicoles post and she has suggested the No Panic they areuvery good I did the recovery programme about 12 years ago and also became a helpline leader. the telephone number for them is 0808 808 0545 and that is a free number and it wikll ask you 2 options 1 if you want a no panic pack and 2 is if you want to speak to a help liner and it will give you their telephone number to ring I would give that a try and see if that will help you.
Keep in there it is all anxiety
Also try some relaxation tapes they are very good and you can get some good ones from Amazon
