View Full Version : feeling of food going down ..

09-02-11, 20:42
I,m still getting this feeling of food going down when i eat . I,ve had it since December . I,m at the docs every two weeks as i,ve just started the cit 20 mg to be monitered .
I also take lansoprazole 30 mg for acid stomach and ranitidine , my stomach has all but cleared up , no more burning or sore throat . I still get loads of mucous in my throat in the mornings which i cough up , its just thick and clear . Also get the odd chest pains . My main worry is this feeling of food going down , getting stuck . I can eat fine , swallow fine but this sensation worries me . I,ve had 2x full blood count late last year when i had the sore throat (now gone) and they were both fine . I also get the globus feeling now and again , and a tight throat , but not at the moment . My doctor doesn,t seem to concerned , and i was forgeting about it but its been worrying me today , probably because i,m back at the docs about the citralapram tommorow .
The doc said on my last visit it couldn,t be anything sinister as my blood tests were fine .

Can anyone relate ?

10-02-11, 09:12

I got this at one point, I was also waking up with a feeling of choking. I have a goitre though, so I was super paranoid that it had gotten bigger. It went away when I stopped thinking about it (When a new symptom came that I was focusing on! lol).

Try not to worry too much, like your GP says it would have been picked up if anything was wrong x

10-02-11, 16:26
Thanks for the reply :D

Doctor didn,t seem concerned again , especially when i said i get the globus feeling which comes and goes aswell . The doc said if it was anything sinister i,d be loseing weight by now and it would be getting worse and there all the time .
So i,ll just have to stop thinking about it :blush:

10-02-11, 21:16
Hi Mel

Just wanted to say that I agree with the other response on this. I had exactly this symptom for the week or two that I decided I might have oesphagal cancer. I then decided that was unlikely and that I was causing the thought of food getting stuck - and bingo, the feeling went away. Had forgotten about it till I saw your post.

I think it's called somatisation and you can do it with any symptom. You definitely feel the symptom - but it's almost like your brain brings it on cause you're worried about it. Honestly, I've somatised the following things recently and it's freaking me out...

- muscle twitches, muscle fatigue, pins and needles
- headaches
-food getting stuck
- stomach pain


10-02-11, 23:07
Thanks for the reply speedster....its helped to put my mind at rest :yesyes:

I,ve got into the habit of eating late after a valium and a few beers , i,ve just eaten a large sarnie and a bag of crisps :blush: , i could only feel the last mouthfull "going down" , if i ate this in the day it would have been much much worse , how can my mind do this to me , its the worse symtym for me .